Coffees and Cakes

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Xiumin's POV
I grumpily opened my eyes "Ugh!" groaning, I got up and headed for the bathroom. I thought about what I was going to do during the day. Then... my eyes widened and I excitedly got ready for school.
Happily, I skipped along the hallways if the school. In the corner of my eye I saw a tall figure and knew that it was my friend, Kris. I skipped up to him to see what he was spying on. With 2 taps to the shoulder I got him to turn his head around. "What are you smiling at?" he asked which made my smile expand even more and I answered "because I'm gonna go on a date with Luhan... what are you looking at?" I tiptoed and looked over his shoulder. There, I saw Chanyeol and Baekhyun talking. "Is he actually confessing right now?!" Kris nodded. Then there was some type of warmth welling up in my chest when I saw that Baekyeol kiss. Kris and I cheered while high-fiving each other Then he cleared his throat and turned back into cold kris. Then I started laughing so hard that there were tears forming in my eyes. "Yah! Wha-" kris was cut off when something behind me caught his eye. I turned around to see Tai running towards us while HOLDING LUHAN'S HAND?! "Yah! Oppa!" Tao yelled then grabbed Kris's hand then left talking about a Gucci bag he saw at the mall yesterday.
Luhan must've sensed the downess on my face and asked "What's wrong jagi?" all I could do was look at his hand. " Are mad because Tao held my hand?" I pouted and grabbed his waist pulling him into a hug. "I don't like it when iter people touch you. " He pulled away a while later and ruffles my hair. "Same here, but you rarely have skin ship with anyone." them he grabbed my hand and led my to class. I guess from embarrassment.
During the while school day Luhan has been giving me all his attention and being extra flirty with me. Clingy .. in a good way. Ring! Right after the bell tang I felt something soft and warm on my cheek. Turning around to meet the gaze of my loving boyfriend. He smiled while grabbing my hand and lead me outside. "You know we have to shopping to get the ingredients for the cake.e I smiled and nodded "and my cousin owns a coffee shop, so we can go make coffee there." We walked to the nearest grocery store and got the ingredients.
Luhan's POV
*on the way back*
A group of boys were staring at us. Then one if them came over and asked me "is she your sister? She's really cute." Then someone grabbed my head and pressed their lips on mine. After they pulled away Xiumin said " She's a he.. And we're dating". The boy then put both his hands up in saying that he's surrendering.
Xiumin's POV
"Ok, all you have to do is sift the flour in the bowl and mix with sugar,eggs,butter,vanilla, oil,yeast,and milk." Luhan read off the intrusions. I nodes and got to work and made enough batter for 2 cakes. Once I got the hand mixer in I got a warm feeling around my stomach and a warm breeze on my neck. I didn't know what it was until I felt a chest against my back. "What are you doing?" Luhan let out a breathy giggle. "I finished making the icing and separated the candies." he paused "now I am bored." He tilted his head down and started sucking on my shoulder. I just giggled and finished off mixing the batter.
After pouring the batter in pans and settling them in the oven I say not the couch and started watching tv shows. Luhan came out of my room and sat next to me pulling my legs onto his lap.
Luhan's POV
I rearranged the pillows on Xiumin's bed. Don't judge me. I was bored. After I heard the tv turn on I went outside and pulled Xiumin's legs on my lap. I started playing with his hair and he smelt delicious. I moved my head over and nibbled his cheek and tasted some flour and sugar that was left there. He turned his face to point at mine. I kissed him to let him know how sweet he is. when I pulled away he asked me "Did you eat a cookie or something?" I shook my head. "Anything I tasted here was you." he started to blush then the oven rang. Out heads turned to the cakes that are finished in the oven. We decided to bring the cakes to the coffee shop and decorate them there.
-at the coffee shop-
Xiumin surprisingly gets along with people. I looked up from my cake that I was currently decorating and saw Xiumin carefully pouring hot water in a circular motion. Wow. He looks like a professional barista from his pouring to his posture to his face. He suddenly stopped pouring and looked up at me with expectant eyes.
Xiumin's POV
It has been a dream of mine to be a barista. I've actually wanted to create my own kind of coffee. I started roasting and grinder the coffee beans and finished my coffee. I felt Luhan staring at me and looked up hoping that he would taste my coffee and like it. He probably noticed my calling gaze and walked over with his beautiful eye smile. "Need any help?" I giggled and bobbed my head up and down. I carefully gave him the cup to. Fast. Luhan took the cup from my hands then took a sip. There was a silence lurking in the air and my eyes started tearing up. He looked at me and asked "gwenchana? What happened?" wiping away the tears falling from my eyes. "You don't like it don't you." He frantically shook his head "Aniya! it was delicious" he smiled "I'm being 100% honest as always. " I couldn't help but be overjoyed and hug him. "Well, you should put in more Xiumin. It needs to be a bit sweeter. " I blushed. How!? he's being cheesy. Suddenly he walks up to me. "Bwo?" I tilted my head. A grin appeared on his face and both of his hands raised to both sides of my face and... "KYAAAAA!!" then he pinched my cheeks. Oh my god! Shut up. I am not that cute.
Luhan's POV
Xiumin looks so cute! I was fanboying when I felt something soft on my lips. Oh. It feel so soft! it only took me a few seconds to know what was happening and kissed him back. I should really fanboy about Xiumin's cuteness more often. After that we finished decorating the cakes and ate them. I drove Xiumin home and went back to the coffee shop and my aunt walked up to me "You should keep him."

Me and my baozi (Xiuhan)Where stories live. Discover now