A Walk Along The River pt.2

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Xiumin's POV
He looked up and saw me with his eyes bigger than our friend Kyungsoo's. He ran out of the car managing to hide something behind his back. He ran up to me and asked "How long have you been there?" I smiled and answered with "Not long." He looked down with a chuckle leaving his lips. Luhan's head shot up and he pulled out what he was hiding. My eyes widened at the sight of a beautiful bouquet of Daisies. I ran to him and jumped up, wrapping my legs around his torso which caused him to drop the flowers. We locked our lips and he caressed the back of my head. We pulled away and I grabbed the flowers. "They're beautiful, but why Daisies?" He scratched the back of his neck to show his nervousness. "Because they remind me of you. Cute and simple. " I hugged his waist and cuddled my head into the crook of his neck. His hands came to my back and continued "...which makes them perfect,but not compared to you." That made me blush and forced my grin wider. We pulled away and I got th flowers into a vase. "Ready to leave?" I nodded. He smiled and grabbed my arm trying to lead me to his car. "Are we going somewhere far?" He shook his head. "Not that far to me." I giggled and asked "Why don't we just walk?" He tilted his head but later agreed. We walked hand in hand with him leading the way. Luhan led me to a coffee shop and once I saw it, my eyes widened and looked his way with hope in them. He giggled and pinched my cheeks. "Ah-Wae Oppa?!!" I pouted and he just shrieked. "You're so cute! I can't help it!" I blushed and grabbed his shoulders. "But oppa! You're cute too!^.^" and kissed both of his cheeks then later blushed. He grabbed my arm,pulling me inside. We headed to a table and a waiter came up to us and Luhan ordered my favorite type of coffee! A cappuccino! He noticed my surprised face and asked "Can I not order my boyfriend's favorite coffee?" After the coffee date we stated walking somewhere Luhan was leading us to. Wow. 8 pm and it's already really dark. We got to our second destination. My eyes stretched wide. "Aww, Luhan. I love you so much! It's beautiful!" I he looked at me and said "yeah, but you are gorgeous." I turned my head to be greeted withheld a kiss. It was probably our sweetest one yet... And it tasted like coffee. After we pulled away we decided to walk home. After a while, I started slowing down because my legs got tired. Luhan must have noticed because he went in front of me and squared down. "Oh no, you don't have to!" He moved back and I fell right onto his back. He grabbed my knees to secure me onto him. Out of reaction I grabbed his neck. Then he hoisted me up. I kissed his cheek and said"thank you oppa.." Then my eyes got heavy and I drifted into sleep.
The next morning I woke up and saw a figure sleeping next to me. Without hesitation I knew that it was Luhan. He was shirtless and his body couldn't have looked more perfect. I poked his nose and he stirred. Out of no where his arms wrapped themselves around my body and a gasp left my lips. "How dare you disturb your boyfriend's slumber, especially because he gave you a piggy back ride home last night?" His voice was groggy, but still beautiful. He opened one eye and kissed the tip of my nose.

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