Our Destiny

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My name is Luhan. I am a Chinese boy who moved to Korea for high school, college, and probably for the rest of my life. Today is the first day of my freshman year and I am worrying if I am going to make any friends, but I am mainly wondering if I'll find 'the one'. Cheesy, right?

I am standing outside of my new school. 'What if no one likes me?' I thought. Shaking the bad thoughts out of my head, I walked into the corridor of the gigantic school. Observing my surroundings I noticed that the school looks very clean and super fancy. While walking up to the gymnasium for the opening ceremony I bumped into some freakishly tall boy and somehow knocked him over. 'His face looks a lot like an elf, but his body is so tall...' "Omo! I am so sorry!" I yelled reaching out to pull the boy up from where he fell on the floor. He gladly accepted my hand with an adorable eye smile. I'm not sure if I was hallucinating or there was actually a figure lingering behind watching us but I shrugged off the feeling turning my attention back to the boy. Accepting my apology he said " It's okay, you new to this school, right?" I was surprised how he knew. Noticing that I zoned out he waved his hands in front of my face, he asked "Luhan, you there?" To my surprise I yelled defensively "How do you know my name?!" He just giggled and pointed to the right side of my uniform. I mentally face palmed myself seeing as I forgot that I had a name tag. "Oh...sorry." I looked at his name tag "So your name is Chan Yeol?" He gave me an exaggerated surprised face and covered his name tag and yelled "Ani!" We laughed then had some conversation till the opening ceremony started. Before we knew it, we instantly became friends.

After the ceremony Chanyeol came up to me asking what subject I had first period. Pulling out the schedule I had in my pocket I answered "History." His face slightly lit up and he excitedly shook my shoulders saying "Me too! You probably need help finding your classes, right?" I just answered with a grateful nod and a thankful smile. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the decent looking class around the corner. There were tables that looked like they seat pairs of two. I didn't see any name tags so I guess that means we can sit wherever we want. "Since we are paired into two, do you mind sitting with someone else? You know, to meet new people.. Make friends!" Chanyeol exclaimed scratching the back of his neck guiltily. "With whom are you sitting with, your crush?" I mocked with a giggle. "Um..Yeah" Chanyeol replied still scratching the back of his neck. (gee, does he have a rash or something) Wide-eyed I just nodded. "yeah, sure..." Then, all of a sudden a random blonde boy with a puppy face ran up to us yelling "Chanyeolie!!!" Hugging Chanyeol. Then gave me a slight stink face. Noticing that I needed more friends, Chanyeol decided to introduce us "Baekhyun, this is Luhan. Luhan, this is Baekhyun." Baekhyun's face quickly became bright and we shook hands. Chanyeol likes this guy? They would look cute together though. Baekhyun was probably mad since I was hanging around his "crush". (Just assuming that he likes him too)

Chanyeol and Baekhyun chose their seats at the back of the classroom and I randomly chose one of the front seats. The classroom quickly got full with different types of people. Students filled the classroom taking up every seat. Every seats except the one next to mine. The teacher had already introduced herself and yet there still isn't anyone sitting next to me. Ah~ jinja how embarrassing. Out of nowhere a boy came running through the doorway out of breath and started apologized for being late. Thankfully the teacher excused him and he started looking around, his eyes landed on the one and only open seat-that is next to mine. He walked over to the seat glancing at me for a split second before he set his books down. After he settled down and got everything ready I couldn't help trying to look over and attempt to read at his name tag, but he looked my way and asked if I needed anything 'Uhh yes actually. I need to see your name tag. To see if your name is as cute as your face.. Urh.. wait..what? " ' " No!Nothing" he just chuckled and continued taking notes. He seems so nice. So cute. ... Why am I getting so hungry out of the blue? Wait! I quickly peered over to my side. He looks so much like a Baozi. A yummy one too. I imagined myself putting my hand on his shoulder questioning him "Did you know that your face looks like a Baozi? So cute and delicious." Before my mind came back to reality, the scenario in my head has already happened. Everyone in the classroom started laughing. I frantically turned my head to the front and saw that the teacher was looking at me with a smile plastered on her face. On the other hand the boy next to me was madly blushing and so was I. This is bad. I hope he doesn't hate me. Why did I do that?

Me and my baozi (Xiuhan)Where stories live. Discover now