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Ellie Brown

- Let's go in -  I said and got up from the stairs

- You haven't changed anything - he said, leaving me alone and entered the door, and I started to cry again. Not long after, I also entered the apartment and since I couldn't find either Charles or his mother in the kitchen, I quickly went to my room and started studying. Not long after, however, I got so tired that I thought it would be better if I rested in bed for a while. After that, Pascale opened the door to my room.

- Can we talk?  - the woman asked, and I nodded silently, then she sat down on the edge of my bed after closing the door behind her.

- I know it's hard for you - she said

- Yes it is

- I know that I shouldn't disturb your life and that I may not have communicated your intention to move in the best way, but I don't want Charles to be broken. He will have a difficult season full of stressful journeys. He can't break...

- Our relationship is in the past  - I said with tears in my eyes
- We will never be a couple

- Right thinking, Ellie!

- But... - I started it. Suddenly I felt like I was in some bad movie where the evil takes away the love of the good

-... I love him! I still love Charles

- You just loved him - Pascale corrected.

- How do you know how I feel right now? How do you know and how dare you be so cruel to me?

- You better not poison my son! I will recommend changing the apartment as soon as possible. You won't stay here any longer!  - said Pascale, getting up from the bed and running out of my room. My eyes completely filled with tears and I felt like I was losing myself again. I will have nowhere to go and I can depend on Pascale Leclerc for years to come


All day my mind was thinking that Pascale would really kick me out of the house. After all these years, she would take revenge on me in such a cruel way. My stomach churned as I imagined how I was going to tell Charles the truth. But I was unable to pay attention in class.

- You're sweet when you think like that - Marco said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I noticed that the room was already empty and I was sitting alone in the room.

- Good heavens, I'm not used to being so distracted -  I pulled myself together and reached for my notes in my bag.

- Are you tired?

Yes - I lied  and looked at the boy confused
- Do you want to have lunch together?

- It would be nice, but I'll finish at two - he said when I got sad
- It would be better in the evening - he said

- OK, that's fine

- Then I'll pick you up at 6 p.m. -  he said, then he started in the opposite direction. A few days ago I was happy for Marco, but today I just had a guilty conscience about him. Charles and I were so close yesterday. I didn't want it to be that much between me and Charles. I wanted him like yesterday...

By the time each class was over, I was very tired and wanted nothing more than for Pascale to disappear from the apartment. Luckily for me, the woman really disappeared so only Charles was home. The boy was standing at the kitchen counter and looked very angry. It was like he was arguing with someone.

- Hi -  I took off my jacket and greeted him

- Hello -  he nodded and then looked at his laptop screen. He looked very much as if he was vacillating whether to speak or not. Finally, he looked up at me again

- My mother said that you wanted to say something -  he said, and my stomach clenched and my heart started to race. No no, not this...

- I don't think we should discuss this right now -  I said, but I choked in the process

- Why?

- Because I just got home - I sighed

- You just got home -  he looked at me like I was completely stupid

- I have a date tonight, so we'll talk about it tomorrow, - I turned around, but I knew that it was as if I was about to stab Charles in the chest

- Fuck you Ellie! You do this all the time! Do you want to make me jealous? Imagine, I fucking hate the thought of that fucking rat touching you and enjoying your company while what did I get from you besides fucking? Nothing.

- Finish it -  I looked at him desperately

- No, I'm sick of you -  he said.
- My mother was right, you have to go

- I had an abortion.  -  I finally said, holding back my tears. I said it...after all this time I could say it in Charles's eyes

- I was pregnant, Charles! What do you think it was like for me to go through it all without you? What do you think it was like for me to live my young years with this burden?

- Why didn't you tell me until now?

- Because your mother wouldn't let me tell you - I said, and the boy's face became gloomy

- My mother? Did she know about it? -  anger and disbelief could be felt in his voice

- Yes, your mother paid for my abortion.

- Is this supposed to be a fucking joke?

- Charles! Then you dropped out of school for your career. I couldn't do anything else, your mother obliged me to break up with you and never tell you about the baby. I'm not saying she wasn't right, but he ruined my life

- Was my mother seriously capable of this? -  he looked at me with a glassy gaze, and my eyes became full of tears. I felt sorry for Charles...

- Yes...

- No, I don't want to believe that,
-  he said and looked into my eyes with a veiled gaze. I felt that his eyes were reading my soul.



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My dears!

I am the happiest that so many people read my book. I can't believe you love it so much!!! I will be visiting the wonderful world of Monaco soon, so unfortunately I won't really have time to write in November. In any case, I promise to finish the book in a hurry, as time is quite urgent. I don't want to drag it out for a long time, so maybe I'll finish it by November 20.

Until then, have a wonderful day

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