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Ghost- Zoe Wees

Ellie Brown

1.5 years later

I was on my way home from the store. I had two large bags of food in my hand, the first one in the trunk of my car. I got out of the beautiful Ferrari and unpacked the trunk. I entered my huge house. The apartment was quiet. I started unpacking my things, but curiously went into the living room because I didn't like the silence. As soon as I entered the room, I saw how Mrs. Leclerc was sleeping on the sofa and my little son was also sleeping next to her. They were so cute together that I took a picture of them right away. I loved my life. As I was about to leave the room, Pascale turned and noticed me. She put a pillow next to Marc and followed me out into the kitchen

- I see you managed to do your shopping -  said the woman

- Yes, I plan to cook dinner by the time Charles gets home.

- I can help you if you want

- Thank you, you should take care of Marc a little more when he wakes up -  I said, and the woman nodded.

I loved my life. Charles and I discussed everything and when it turned out that I was pregnant again, Charles reconsidered his life. We moved to the house that was located on the beach, in one of the most beautiful places in Monaco. I loved this house because of its huge windows and because Charles bought it for us. He chose this alone and that's why it was so special to me. I didn't finish university. Things turned out interesting with my pregnancy. I was alone because of Charles' racing career. I didn't want any conflict in the family because of me, so we told Mrs. Leclerc almost immediately, who was very angry at first. She didn't want to see us, she didn't want to hear about Charles. Then Charles went to the winter tests and then to the first race where he had a very good race. Months passed and Pascale called me on the phone once to apologize. I realized then that she was worried about Charles the whole time...

I remember how I cried in the bath when I heard Pascale's kind words. Things began to mend between Charles and his family, and this helped Charles' mental health as well. We didn't travel much during the time it was just the two of us with Charles, but after that he asked me to travel to his last race. And I was only 6 months pregnant, so I said yes without thinking. My boyfriend and I arrived at the Paddock holding hands, where everyone noticed that Charles Leclerc was going to be a father soon. But that was not the only thing that became clear that evening, Charles became World Champion. And I was proud of him.
All in all, I sacrificed my life for him...For them

- Marc, please don't cry - I said as I tried to tidy up the kitchen before my wonderful boyfriend got home.

- Marc, my little one, daddy will be home soon -  said Mrs. Leclerc too. Everything was ready. Charles's mom is gone. The light of the sunset shone through the large windows. Everything was wonderful, then I heard the garage door open. Marc started laughing. The Ferrari engine was loud and then stopped. Marc  almost jumped out of my hand

- Hello my loves! -  Charles came into the living room with messy hair. He was very tired and had suitcases in both hands.

- Hi Marc -  he said and took my son out of my hands

- Charles! ... -  I spoke and pressed a hot kiss on Charles' lips

- I missed you -  I whispered

- Me too  -  he said and looked at his son. Marc tried to speak, laughed and Charles planted a kiss on the little boy's cheek. He then looked at me and then at the table behind me.

- Happy anniversary my love!  -  I said smiling

- What? Is it our anniversary today? How did you come back into my life 2 years ago today?

- Yes -  I said, feeling a little sad that he had forgotten this important day.

- Sorry Ellie,  but I didn't really have time. I was in a hurry to get home to you, so I couldn't buy anything - said Charles sadly.

- I don't need anything, I have you and Marc and this beautiful house. I don't need anything else

After dinner, I took Marc to bed early, then slowly walked down the stairs in my pajamas. I couldn't find Charles anywhere but a huge bunch of red roses on the table. Smiling, I took it in my hand and smelled it. Charles then came forward and looked at me with his tired eyes. He knelt down in front of me and handed me a small black box

- Ellie Brown , I want you to be my wife!

- I will be your wife - I started to cry.

- I knew you hadn't forgotten -  I said between kisses

- Since everything is fine with me in my life, I want more, I want to call you Mrs. Leclerc

- And I would like to call my husband ,Charles Leclerc!  - I said
- But you should rest now, you must be so tired!  - I said. The joyous crying made me so sleepy too.

- Don't you want to make a brother to Marc? I'd be happy to have a little girl too -  said Charles, then he started kissing my neck fiercely. I didn't even have to answer, Charles immediately took me to the bedroom and then took off my pajamas. He also tore off his clothes and kissed me with pleasure. We reached orgasm panting.

- I missed that -  he said when he finally stood next to me with a calm heartbeat as I looked at the stars from the balcony

- Me too, but you even better! -  I turned to him

- I love you Charles!

- I love you too, Ellie! -  he said, hugging me from behind as we watched the starry night from our house in Monaco.



TikTok: wattpadgirl.4


Writer's afterword

It was very difficult for me to finish this book, even though this book became my most successful book in a short time. I loved writing it and I still love re-reading it because there are some very good moments in the book. Charles was a real kid in the beginning, but because of Ellie, he toughened up and started to take obstacles more easily. And Ellie was the unlucky girl who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But it was easy to guess that it would be a true love story.
Thank you for following this book since October and it's amazing how many people started following me here because of my TikTok page.

I don't plan to write a new book at the moment, I want to finish the book Unthoucapbe and rest.

Write me your favorite part and who you want a new book about on my site! Find me on TikTok too! Write your opinion under one of my videos!

I am grateful to you!



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