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Ellie Brown

Charles was never an easy case. He was different from the others, I knew that well, but it seemed that even after all this time I couldn't handle him properly. I still didn't know what the boy needed, but because of last night I realized that I can't break up with him. It really wasn't healthy the way he treated me, but if I had turned my back on him I would have ruined his life. That's why I thought about everything during the night and came to the conclusion that I put Charles's life first, and by the way, I try to stand by the boy's family in such a way that I don't care what they think of me. When Charles is fine again, I will return to my plans, but right now the most important thing is to live in harmony with the boy and for everything to be the same. I woke up early in the morning and since I was sleeping next to Charles, I quietly climbed out of bed. I planned to make some breakfast so that Charles could feel again that I was by his side and that he could count on me. I quickly went to the kitchen and looked for the boy's diet. It was a light breakfast, so I worked with eggs and then made 2 coffees. Charles then came out of the room with a sleepy head. I loved him in his gray t-shirt and he looked really good with his messy hair. I loved watching him. Charles could always surprise me. By the way, I was glad that we weren't fighting this morning.

- Good morning - I greeted with a smile as Charles sleepily approached me

- Good morning, Ellie! - he said and looked at the table
- If you want to give me some bad news, I'd rather not eat breakfast

- Why do you think I want to tell you some bad news? -  I rolled my eyes and hugged the boy tightly

- Because that's what you've been doing lately - he said, kissing my neck

- There is nothing wrong, I just thought I'd make you breakfast. I've even looked at your diet -  I come away from him

- I hope it's true - he sat down across from me and started eating. And I just thought that I really wanted the boy to get better

- What do you think about if we do something today? - I asked after a while. I planned not to go to the university today and spend my day with Charles instead. Besides, I even wanted to cook, but I didn't want to tell the boy. Charles gave me suspicious looks

- Yesterday you wanted to break up with me, now you want to do a program with me? - he asked and I felt that the boy was getting angry.

- I know you are mad at me. That's why I want to make things right - I sighed. Meanwhile, Charles ate his dinner. He stood up and placed it next to the sink

- When are you moving? -  he asked phlegmatically. He didn't look at me.

- I decided not to move -  I tell the boy who dropped the washcloth from his hand.

- If you only want to stay here out of pity, it's unnecessary - he reacted immediately and was like an offended child

- Charles, I love you. I want everything to be fine, you to be fine -  I caressed his hair and he leaned his head against my chest

- Well. I'm sorry I've been so stupid lately. I was stupid...-  he sighed and looked at me. There was a sense of regret in Charles's eyes and I knew deep down that this would be the best for us.

- How about we deal with our problems as adults from here on? -  I asked, and the boy planted a long kiss on my lips.
- I'll take that as a yes - I declared, then let Charles pack up after breakfast. The boy raised the idea that he would find a program for us. I was washing my hair and waiting for his idea.


Charles's favorite place was always the harbor, so he was so excited that everything was starting to go well again that he and I ended up at the harbor late at night. I didn't really understand what we were looking for here, but I waited to see what would happen. Charles parked his black Ferrari in the dark harbor and we got out of it. I looked at the boy, expecting something good.

- Are we going to have a romantic evening? -  I asked, while Charles linked our fingers

- Not completely, I thought that the company would be good for us -  he laughed, as we stepped onto the pier I saw a large gray yacht that probably belonged to Charles.

- I invited Pierre and some of my friends. I hope it suits you that way - said the boy

- Of course, it's perfect for me - I nodded, but inside I was disappointed because I would have been happier with an evening spent alone

I saw several people on board the huge ship, but I only knew Pierre among them.

- Hi -  I said hello to the boy who smiled at us because  Charles and I holding hands again.

- When can I organize the wedding? I have a couple of good ideas -  he suggested with a laugh

-  Did you order food? - Charles diverted the topic, Pierre nodded. And I looked around. I didn't let go of Charles's hand, but I saw quite a few girls. There were more girls than boys, and that was creepy.

Charles introduced me to the others. One half of the company was happy and welcomed me kindly, while the other half didn't even bother with me. I can bet that they were only interested in Charles's reputation. When I pitched the idea to Charles in the morning, I didn't have quite this kind of program in mind. Charles and Pierre and a strange guy started talking, so I got myself a glass of alcohol and headed towards the food. Meanwhile, I was watching my boyfriend, who was approached by a girl with black hair. Charles smiled and she stroked him. I wasn't jealous, but I found the situation strange.

- Hi - a girl with blonde hair walked up to me while I was suggesting the girl around my boyfriend

- Hi  -I said.  The girl could notice what I was looking at because she also started looking at the girl

- Charles and Camille used to talk and mess around a lot  - she said, as my stomach lurched and the champagne landed in my lap.

- What does it mean in the past?

- I think it's been a month and a half -  said the blonde-haired girl, whose name I found out later was Zoe.

It was then that I was convinced that I had made a new enemy in the person of Camille.



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