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It was the end of the world and everything burned down into ashes before her dull gray eyes . She watched as her old home got torn apart by the genesis. Her hands curled into tight fists as she watched the fire from on top of the hill . She was betrayed and full of anger and hatred. she couldn't fight it anymore.

Her ''friends'' and the dude she once called her crush betrayed her because she was marked as insane. But only because she kept trying to warn everyone about the genesis. No. One. believed her.

Who could Scarlett trust at this point..? Her own mother was part of the genesis. She was alone now. However, she wasn't crazy anymore. Because the chaos that endured was only because they didn't heed her warnings. She made mistakes as everyone else did. She watched the city burn from a distance..a blank betrayed expression on her face. as she turned away to run into the night. She wasn't a part of any resistance anymore. She didn't want to be anymore .

She was a fugitive because of them. She took one more glance at her old world and hid into the night. She pulled her cloak hood over her face. Clutching a crest in her hand before throwing it away on the ground. She was the one who needed to stop this and she wouldn't let anyone Get in her way anymore. No distractions

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