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‘’She's-here-’’ that's when everything went black for scarlet.  ‘’Wake up’’ the voice shook her and then they both banged their heads. ‘’OW!’’ they both yelled in unison clutching their forehead. ‘’Are you the one that caused that green flash?’’ the boy questioned. ‘’Ye-yes i think but I don't even know how I did that,’’ Scarlet admitted. As the boy was mumbling to himself she took in his features a bandage that covered the right side of his face. 

He had short raven hair and light sapphire eyes. ‘’What are you looking at?’’ he said, squinting his eyes and waving his head in front of her face. ‘’Lets get over this..I saw you when you were out cold on the ground and your palms were bleeding.’’ the boy mumbled. ‘’Im luke’’ he reached his hand out. ‘’Im scarlett. Nice to meet you’’ she shook his hand.

‘’I'm surprised that much power came out of you..a-are you a witch?’’ Luke looked at her.  At this moment. Scarlet didn’t know how to respond. ‘’I guess I am..’’ she mumbled quietly.  ‘’I just found out I had powers’’ she said, admitting it.  ‘’Im can see ghosts’’ he said and scarlet looked at him with wide eyes. ‘’What.’’

She looked at him like he was crazy. ‘’Hey don't look at me like that, you literally can summon fire with the snap of a finger’’ Luke looked at scarlet. ‘’Can you try it?’’ Luke looked at her and she sighed but snapped her fingers. Scarlet jumped back at the small bright green wick that appeared.

‘’Green fire..'' Luke mumbled to himself. ‘’You can’t be afraid of it.’’ Luke looked at her. Whispering. ‘’You can't let fear control you.. Just learn how to manage being able to summon fire.’’ he reassured scarlet. ‘’alright ‘’ scarlet mumbled

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