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Scarlett gasped as she woke up. She didn't remember passing out and being dragged into somewhere strange. Several people gathered around her. Looking at Scarlett with skeptical eyes and a faint flicker of terror in all of their eyes. ''Hey..?'' Scarlett said quietly. They all backed away and someone she assumed was the boss of the whole thing that was happening threw a poster with her face. ''they didn't capture my good looks at all'' Scarlett thought inside her head.

A smirk made it up to her face. ''Are you the witch?'' he snapped at her, making himself known by going closer to her. She sat up and stretched and lit a light flame so she could actually see them. ''Yeah. I'm the witch'' she yawned. It didn't come to scarletts mind that they could be working for the genesis at the time. They got closer to her and pointed sharp weapons at her. They were terrified of her. It was like Scarlett was surprised because the title ''the witch'' does sound menacing but still. ''No need to stick your weapons at me. I'm not going to burn everything down. I just do that when someone is trying to kill me'' she said, showing her palms off. They were rough and scraped.

Dried blood on them and cuts littered on them. But she guessed it made her even more menacing. ''Put your weapons down. Right now'' the leader snapped at everyone. ''geez. This guy has an anger problem'' Scarlett snorted and thought to herself. ''Bring her to my cabin.'' he ordered. They grabbed scarletts wrists and put them into chains. ''Dude im not a fucking criminal if thats what you think i am'' she growled melting the chains off her wrists. ''What is with everyone chaining me? Scarlett thought. They nudged her into the cabin. She was thrown into the chair. ''Pretty nice office you have'' Scarlett whistled. ''You realize how high your bounty is right now.'' the guy stared at her. It was uncomfortable. He slid the paper near her. ''10,000?'' Scarlett questioned.

''Im worth way more than a measly 10,000'' scarlett scoffed and pushed it back. ''You're not worried about the fact you're wanted by the most powerful and important things in the society of wayfire? They are helping all of our cases!'' he shouted at her. Scarlett stayed silent. Trying to register what he just said to her. It took a while for scarlet to process all that information. .

She couldn't help but start to crack up. ''Really? Them being good guys?'' she laughed in between a wheeze. ''Do you want us to turn you into them.?'' he snarled. Scarlet wasn't phased. All of the adults thought yelling at her would get her to crack. It never did though. All it did was make it harder for scarlet to take them seriously. ''Do what you want. Either way if you do. You're just gonna see me escape'' she said while looking at the candle. She put her thumb and middle finger. Conjuring her power to make a small green wick lighting up the candle. The man gasped. ''How is this possible.'' ''The most of your kind is only able to make small puffs of fire. And it isn't even colorful. But your special'' he murmured to himself.

''Thank you..i think '' she said smugly. ''Your kind was wiped out'' he said, getting up from his chair. ''How come you weren't massacre?'' he asked. His face was getting grim. Scarletts shoulders tensed. ''Um.'' she said. ''I don't know'' scarlet never really knew her origins. All that she knew was that she was an orphan and that she was bounced from orphanage to orphanage. A nuisance. A little speck of dust full in a world of people that didn't care about her. He slammed his fists on the table. ''There must be a reason'' he hissed. ''That you didn't die'' he whispered. Slowly inching forward toward her.''because i'm special?''she said, scooting back in her chair. ''this has been fun..but I need to get going now. Im being hunted by the minute ́ ́ scarlet said pushing herself up

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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