When You Meet- Eyeless Jack

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I had just gotten home from the hospital with my mom. I had just had surgery for my heart and I was really tired. My mom wheeled me up to my bedroom and got me in bed. I apparently was more tired then I expected because when I layed down I was out.
*~Time skip because you fell asleep~*
I felt something heavy around my waist but I played no mind to it. After all I always felt weight around my waist because I was never able to walk, but when I felt something sharp and cold against my skin I sat up, or more or less, bolted as far as I could up. I saw a boy with a blue mask on with black goop ozzing out of the eye sockets. I reached up and touched his face, or, mask as that's what it was. He sucked in a sharp breath and stilled. I giggled quietly and asked,
"What's your name?"
He let out a shaky breath and replied,
"Jack. Eyeless Jack. Feel free to call me E.j though. What's yours?"
"Y/n. My names Y/n."
After we introduced ourselves we started talking. We talked about everything and soon he had to go.
"Bye E.j. See you soon!"
"Bye Y/n! See you soon too!"
It was only after he left and I started to fall asleep again did I realize that I was having so much fun that I forgot to tell him. I forgot to tell him that I was disabled and confined to a wheelchair.....oops. All well guess I'll tell him next time he visits.

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