When You Meet The Rest Of The Unfortunate Souls

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The Rake

You where out, exploring the woods, when you had first meet the Rake. At the time you where just exploring, taking pictures of everything and enjoying the peace and quite, when you heard it. A slight purring/growling sound coming from beside you. Looking at it timidly before slowly going closer to it when it moved. You jumped and hid behind a tree. Slowly you peeked back around the trunk of the tree to see a skinny animalistic thing crawling around. Slowly you walked towards the creature and made a sort of coughing sound in the back of your throat. The creature whirled around growling entell it realized it was you and stopped. 'Hi...' the creature said. 'Hi im Y/n. What's your name?' The creature was silent for a while intell 'My names Rake.'


I was out when it happened. My mother was murdered and my three year old twin brother and sister where saying that a man named 'Puppeteer' did it. After that, the twins where going to be put into foster care but I went to court and got full custody. I had been paranoid since my mothers murder and was constantly looking over my shoulder in constant worry, so when I heard my 'kids' talking to somebody while they where supposed to be asleep, I was frightened that the murder had come back to kill them. Running up the steps to the twins's room I flung the door open to see a man with black hair, gray skin and yellow glowing eyes. His eyes widened at the sight of me. "You will not touch them, you monster!" I said while running over and scooping up the twins. As i was running towards the door it slammed shut. Golden yellow strings where attached to the door knob. "Now now, that's not nice, is it?" He said. The twins where now crying and I was glairing daggers at the man. "You killed my mother. I will not let you hurt William and Kambriann!" He just smiled at me and said, "Don't worry, I won't, as long as you become my friend."

Bloody Painter

I was starting my first art class and the kid next to me was kinda creepy, but cool. "Hey, my names Y/n, what's your's?" I asked. He looked over at me before he just went back to drawing. "Okay, I can handle silence." I said. The instructor came over and told me to draw what I think of when I think of 'HAPPY'. So of course I drew a library with all of my favorite fictional characters, like William Herondale, James Carstairs, Fred and George Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, and so many more. "That's good." A voice said right next to me. Looking over I saw that it was the boy next to me."Thank you. But I personally think your's is better." I said while looking at his. He had drawn a group of legendary monsters and killers, like Jeff the Killer, Slenderman, Eyeless Jack and somebody who looked alot like an evil link standing next to a guy with strings attached to his fingers and was flouting. He shook his head and went back to drawing, I smiled and went back to drawing. "Helen." He said. "What?" I asked confused. "You asked me what my name was, it's Helen." I smiled and shook my head.


While my sister went to her art class(YOUR SISTER IS FROM BLOODY PAINTERS PREFRENCE AND IM GIVING HER A NAME IN THIS ONE), I went to sowing class. Right now I was working on an outfit for her that showed her character. As I was working on the jacket portion of it, a man appeared next to me. "That's a splendid outfit your making but it doesn't seem to fit you." He said. "Well thank you for the complement and the reason it doesn't fit me is because im making it for my sister Kayla." I replied. He smiled and sat with me while he drew his designs. We talked and made silly faces at each other (BY THE WAY HE'S IN HUMAN FORM).


I was out side my little brothers elementry school waiting for them to let the children go for pick up, when a man wearing a rainbow colored poka-dotted suit showed up. As I staired at him and the colorful suit, he was looking at me and wondering if he had a chance of getting to be my friend. "Y/NNNNN!!!" Looking I saw my brother, William dragging a little girl behind him. She was wearing a pink dress and had brown hair and green eyes. "Y/N! This is Sally, she's my bestest friend in the whole wide world!" I squatted down and said, "It's a pleasure to finally meet the famous Sally my brothers always talking about." I smiled as I saw both of there faces turn bright red from the embarrassment. As I laughed Sally looked up and her face lit up. "Slpendy!" She yelled. Turning around I saw the man with the colorful suit. "Sally sweets! We should go before my brother kills me!" He said. Sally turned to me and smiled, before hugging me. As I stood up I smiled at the man called Splendy. "If you don't mind we could always set up a play date for the kids." I said. He smiled before giving me his number and we went our own ways.

Jason The Toymaker

My brother Sean other wise known as Jack or Jacksepticeye, was recording a video so I decided to go for a walk. I was listening to Mark's baby food challenge when it started pouring down rain. Running to the nearest shelter, I quickly opened the door and went in search of some place warm. Along my search I found some life size dolls and a black wound up mouse. I decided to pick everything up but when I went to pick up the mouse it moved. "Hey! Wait up please! Mr mouse thingy!" I yelled before I started chasing after it. As I was about to grab it, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head before I blacked out, hearing a chuckle behind me and a voice say, "Hello my dear friend." I really hope this is a dream.

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