When You Meet-Hoodie

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You where at the park, sitting at the swing set, trying not to break down crying in front of the poor children. The children where injoying a day at the park and where oblivious to the y/a(THIS MEANS YOUR AGE)girl. One of your baby cousins, who you where overly attached to, died last night from who knows what. Once told the news you where heart broken and ran out of your house, you at the time didn't care where you went as long as it wasn't there. You ended up at the park, so you went and sat down at the swing set. A male came and sat next to you but you only looked at him for a few minutes before going back to your depressed state.
"W-W-What's a pretty g-girl like y-y-y-you doing here crying?" He asked sounding worried.
"My baby cousin just *sniffle* died and we where really close...well, I considered us to be close." You tried to explain further but broke down crying.
"It's okay I-I-I'm he-here. Just l-let it out."
He sat there, holding you while you cried and told you that everything would be alright. Later, after you had gotten your crying together you guys talked a bit more and you found out that his name was Hoodie. After you realized that it was getting dark you got up from the slightly rusty swing set and said your goodbyes, promising each other that you would meet again soon.

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