When He Finds Out That You Have A Boyfriend

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Jeff wasn't happy but he decided that since you looked happy, he wouldn't kill him.


Ben decided to ignore you but eventually felt like a jerk so he apologized.

Homicidal Liu / Sully

They threw a fit, okay Sully did, but still. Liu tried to say he was happy for you.

Laughing Jack

He figured it out by himself. He just wished you would have told him.

Eyeless Jack

He was okay. Not good. Not bad. Just okay.


Let's be honest, Hoodie is adorable and awkward. He just loved you for you....not that he told you that or anything.


You told him while he was eating cheesecake, so it didn't process intell about two hours later.


He was mad. Simple as that.

Lost Silver

He stuttered out an adorable little okay and tried to give you a hug.

Glitchy Red

He ranted for an hour before finally signing, 'I'm good now. I'm happy that your happy.'

Ticci Toby

He is now grounded from waffles.


He tried to kill him and now he's not allowed near him without you around.

The Rake

He stopped talking to you when your boyfriend showed up.


Since you and Puppeteer weren't actually together you where allowed to date. That was the agreement. He just didn't like that you got a boyfriend so fast....okay he can believe it because your beautiful, but still!

Bloody Painter

He found out when a male figure was a reoccurring thing in your art work.


He didn't find out intell your boyfriend showed up to pick you up from the class.


You and your boyfriend where going to pick up William from school when he found out.

Jason The Toymaker

He wasn't to happy and scared you from him for another week.

Dark Link

He pretend to not care but you knew he did....that and because of him 'secretly' following you guys on your dates.

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