When You Watch Favorite Show Together

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Jeff the Killer
When you guys watch your favorite show, it's always Master chief. Your not sure how you guys stumbled upon it, but it's a very good show....until Jeff decides to try to be a master chief and burns his hand...again.

Ben drowned
You guys somehow end up watching Scooby doo. Nobody really argues with you on the choice because it's a cute show.

Homicidal Liu/Sully
Your show is Ounce Upon A Time, Liu and Sully used to like everything about it until that stupid pirate named Killian Hook showed up and Sonia and you wouldn't stop magnifying over him.

Laughing Jack
You guys watch the big bang theory, and ended up always stopping whatever you were doing to watch the new episodes lol.

Eyeless Jack
You guys watch Hells Kitchen a lot and he sometimes gets inspired to cook for you. It actually turns out to be really really good...except for those few dishes where he decided to try to get you to eat some kidneys...those didn't work out to well.

You guys were waiting for something good to come on when you stumbled onto Pretty Little Liars and you guys have been shocked ever since.

Glee. You two became Glee fans for some reason...IT WAS TOTALLY BECAUSE OF THE MUSIC!!! Lol

Shadowhunters was one if the shows the other pastas new not to mess with you guys on. It was used to help calm you two down and keep you distracted.

Lost Silver
You guys watch Pokémon. Lost Silver wasn't sure how that happened but loved that you loved learning about his world and the people in it...even if he hated the fact that you thought team rocket were cute idiots.

Glitchy Red
Switched at birth became your guy's show for two reasons. One because it was interesting and two, because it helped Glitchy Red learn sign language with you. It also became a bonding time with you guys.

Ticci Toby
Supernatural became you two. You both now carried salt with you and became slightly more paranoid over murders and disappearances. Lol slendy enjoys putting you two on made up problems...oops I wasn't supposed to say that.

You guys watch code black. It's a really good show and Dr.Smiley loves learning more and you asking him questions about why certain people did those things.

The Rake
NCIS, you had talked about it and he wanted to try it out. He was hooked before even 5 minutes were up.
You guys continually watch anything you guys want, but what the kids want and they got hooked onto miraculous ladybug...puppeteer and you won't tell them, but you guys actually really like the show.

The Bloodie Painter
You guys watch face off because of there awesome abilities on art.

You guys watch say yes to the dress. Mostly because it's fashion and you guys can name everything wrong with any dress, and because you both want to get married someday.

Teen wolf became your guy's thing for mysterious unknown reasons...*it was me! Mwahaha!*

Jason the Toymaker
Merlin. Mostly because of hot people and magic. Lol :-)

Dark Link
Full house, because if your mother...You guys don't tell her this but you two really love the show.

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