Chapter 1

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"Night sweet pea" my mum and dad said before they kissed my forehead and walked out.


I woke up being shaken, "Wake up sweet pea and get under your bed." My mum said. I grabbed my toy dog and did as I was told. "Don't come out until me or dad come to get you ok?" "Yes mumma"

There was a lot of screaming I wonder if I should go help?

No, mum said stay here.

I heard little footsteps coming toward me, my brother! "Jamie, buddy come here." I whispered hoping he would hear me.

I heard Jamie's little footsteps coming into my room before he screamed.

Then everything was silent except for my breathing and Jamie's little gasps. I could hear other breaths but I didn't know who it was or where is was coming from.

Mum came running into my room and screamed when she saw little Jamie. I shuffled forward a little so I could see what was happening and saw my mum covered in blood and my brother lying very, very still, bleeding lots on the ground. My mum was crying until someone walked into the room (a man) and picked mum up by the throat. She was clawing at his hands trying to get free but then the man opened his mouth showing fangs? That can't be rig- oh no mum! The man sunk his teeth into mum and sucked until she was drained then dropped her to the floor.


The man started walking towards my bed when some guards burst into my room and killed the man who just murdered my mum.

I waited until the guards left, staying real quite.

Once they had left I shuffled out from under my bed, ran to my closet and got my backpack. I put a change of clothes, my toy dog, a blanket and my special jewellery box into my bag. I then ran to my mum and dad's room and found my mum's Pandora bracelet and dad's old wedding ring I put it in my jewellery box and back in my bag. I ran back to my room, put on my dressing gown, kissed my mum and Jamie on the head whispering a quick "sorry", and ran to the kitchen.

When I got to the kitchen I grabbed another bag and stuffed random food into it .

I heard gasping coming from the lounge and quickly ran in to find my dad lying on the ground bleeding quite badly, why didn't the guards help him? Maybe they didn't hear him? I scurried over to my dad "P-promise m-me C-chloe." "Promise what daddy?" I said sniffling "Live" was his reply then he started closing his eyes. "No, daddy!" I yelled, I couldn't let him close his eyes, not yet. "I love you, sweet pea" he said just above a whisper. Then nothing. I started crying uncontrollably. "I love you too, daddy. And I promise, I will do whatever it takes to live." I whispered, then I kissed his forehead, stood up, wiped my tears, picked up my bags and walked from the house.

With one last look at the house I whispered "I love you all so much may your souls live on and watch over me while I fulfil the promise I make to you all, I will live in memory of you." And with that I ran to the only place, other than home, I felt safe...


I jolted upwards from my bed, 'another stupid dream' I thought as I started to cry remembering that horrible night four years ago. I quickly wiped my tears and sucked it up.

I suppose I should introduce myself, my name is Chloe, I am 12 years old and I live in a tree house in the woods because my family was killed four years ago (I was 8). I have lived in this tree house since that horrible night and it has kept me safe and warm for this whole time.I suppose I am considered a nice person, that's what I've been told, but I don't take crap from no-one and over the years I have built up many walls to keep myself safe. I am about 5'4 in height, I have long brown wavy hair and a heart-shaped face. I have dull, stormy blue eyes, tan skin and a crescent moon shaped birth mark on my hip.

My tree house is quite simple really but has lots of memories from when me and my family built it, probably why I feel so safe here. The tree house is a square-ish shape made of a dark wood materiel so that it blends with the tree. Luckily it is quite big because it is in a big tree and gives me more room to move around, it helps to have a big space when living up here 24/7.

I haven't seen many people since that night, I try to keep to myself. I have one friend, her name is Kimberly and she is the same age as me. She has brown hair with natural blonde highlights, green eyes, tanned skin and is the same height as me. I meet her because she had been sitting at the bottom of my tree crying, and me being the person I am, I climbed down to see if she was ok. We have been friends ever since. She only visits me every so often but when she does she brings me old school books and supplies so I can educate myself.

According to Kimberly I am known as the mysterious girl in the tree house. I look out the trap door at the bottom and find food and all sorts of things because the people of the town know that someone is up there and want to help, Kimberly is the only one who has ever seen me though.

I stretch and get up it's time to start the new day. I get up and get dressed then open the trap door to see if I have any goodie baskets waiting for me. 'Oh yay' I think to myself as I clamber down the ladder. When I get to the bottom I find something very unexpected, a royal vampire guard.

"Um, excuse me are you lost?" I say just a bit above a whisper, my voice was very croaky but I got his attention.

"Excuse me?" He asked confidently.

I cleared my throat and tried again "Sorry, I just asked if you were lost I'm not used to seeing many people out here."

He looked kinda shocked but quickly composed himself, "No, I'm not lost I was just going for a walk, sorry to disturb. What is your name, young one?"

"Chloe, sir. And I am sorry to interrupt your walk I'll just be going now." I tried to quickly grab the baskets and get away but I was stopped when I heard him talking to me again.

"Please don't leave, I-I um. Why have you got those baskets Chloe?"

I didn't know what to say, how I am supposed to explain that I live in a tree house and have for the past four years because my family was killed and these baskets are my main food source? "Um." Maybe I should just tell him the truth, oh well here goes nothing. "This is my food source sir" I say confidently.

"Chloe where do you live?" He asked cautiously. I immediately tensed at the question.

"I live up in the tree house behind me and have done so for four years sir." I say this as I watch carefully for his reaction.

He straightens up and speaks confidently "In that case, Chloe would you like to bring your family and come and live with me and my family?"

My eyes start to well up with tears "Um, you don't understand sir. I-I l-live in the tree house by myself and have done for four years since my family w-was k-killed." I managed to choke out and before I realised it I was crying.

To say the guard in front of me was shocked was a major understatement, it was almost funny the look on his face. Keyword almost.

He came over to me, took the baskets from my hands placed on the ground and did something I was definitely not expecting... He hugged me.

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