Chapter 3

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So it was Sunday and Jackie was taking me shopping. She said it was a necessity that I have my own things as well as clothes and stationary for school, which I found out I was starting tomorrow.

We are currently in some clothing store looking at some clothes for special occasions.

"What about this?" Asked Jackie holding up a blue dress that had birds and flowers on it.

"I love it." I say with a huge smile on my face.

"Go try it on."


This dress is amazing, this family is amazing, everything is just amazing. I have never been so happy ever in my entire life.

I walk out of the dressing room and go up to Jackie wanting to just go home and sleep.

Once we had paid for everything we went out to the car and drove home.


"Wakey, wakey, Chloe." I hear someone say but I just groan and roll over mumbling "Go away."

"Ha! It lives. Good now get up, we have to get ready for school." Suddenly my sheets are ripped off of me and I shoot up to see Ricco standing with a huge smile on his face.

"Fine." I grumble and get up. I shoo Ricco out of my room so I can get dressed, seeing I had a shower last night. I walked to my closet and picked out some black skinny jeans, a short sleeved t-shirt with flowers on it and a zip up grey jersey.

I walk down stairs to the kitchen. When I walked into the kitchen everyone was in there eating their breakfast. "Morning everyone." I greeted happily. I got a lot of mumbled "Hello's" and "Good mornings" in return.

I got out some bread and make a quick jam sandwich for my breakfast.


After breakfast Emmett, Ben, Ricco and I grabbed our bags and headed out the door towards school.


When we got to school Emmett and Ben said goodbye and then walked to the senior part of the school to find their friends while Ricco stayed with me and lead me to the office to find out what class I was in.

To say I was nervous was a major understatement. According to Campbell the school was filled with humans as well as vampires and werewolves, but Ben said each group usually kept to themselves. This was a really big school, it went from years 7-13. Ricco and I were in year 8 while Ben was in year 10 and Emmett in year 12. I was glad to hear that all years were allowed on all parts of school and that if I wanted to at any time I could go see all three of my brothers, although Ricco has said that he would stay with me and I could come hang out with him. Truth be told ever since I had become apart of the family Ricco had stuck to me like glue and we became almost like twins, we are very close.

We get to the office and I say my name and I get handed my timetable and a locker key. As we walk out of the office I hand my timetable to Ricco so he can have a look.

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