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One the night of the SnowBall, I headed to Hopper's cabin an hour before the dance like we had walked about. I had to bail early on Robin, which she wasn't too happy about. But when I told her I was doing a favor for the Chief she understood why I didn't say no.

Hopper was excited to have us here. Hopper talked to the school and told them I'm going to be late to the dance helping him out with a favor, but that I would be there. Hopper drove Eleven and I to the dance, and he gave her a pep talk on the way there.

"If you need anything, anything at all, you find Jonathan, Nancy, or Candace and you tell them to come get me. I will be outside waiting here, okay?"

Eleven nods, "Okay."

We got out of his SUV then, and headed into the school together. I looked around, and I saw Mike and I pointed him out to her. "There he is, with all of your friends. Go to him and have fun, I'm going to be at the snack table right over there."

"Thank you for making me pretty," She said before I was about to walk off.

"Oh, Sweetie, you were already pretty," I told her, placing my hands onto her shoulders, "I only enhanced what was already there. Now, go have fun."

"Thank you," She said again, smiling at me.

"You're welcome," I told her and then I walked off to the snack table. I passed Nancy at the drink table handing out punch. I didn't look at her, because I didn't want to receive an nasty glare. She hates me and I have no idea why, truly.

"Thank God you're here," Robin said, "I've been slaving over hormonal preteens all night. I'm going insane."

"I'm here," I said, making myself at home at the table. "Where's my brother?"

Robin chuckled, "He's asking the DJ to play what he calls Real Music. Where else?"

I shook my head, "Of course he is."

Sure enough, I looked over to the DJ and there was Eddie. His long, curly hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and his black button up shirt no longer tucked in, but half hanging out of his waistband. I could tell from the look on the DJ's face that he was annoyed with Eddie.

"Give me one second," I said, and I walked over to him, grabbing his arm and pulling him far from the DJ. "You're supposed to be on Coat Check, Eddie," I said to him as we walked off.

"This dude's music is killing me," He groaned as we walked. "Plus, all of the kids are here, so who cares if I walked away for a minute?"

I fought the urge to be rude to him, so instead I tried to reason with him. "You're here for extra credit so you can graduate, okay? Let's remember what's important."

He rolled his eyes at me, "God, who are you supposed to be, my mother?"

"Eddie," I sighed, "Please just take tonight seriously."

"Fine," He said, but I don't think he really wanted to.

"Thank you," I said, "Now, you go watch over those coats like your life depends on it."

"Yes ma'am," he said, smiling and then I let his arm go and he walked back to the coats so he could make sure no one did anything to them.

When I got back to the snack table, I looked around and I saw Lucas dancing with Max, Mike dancing with Eleven, and Will was looking terrified dancing with this girl who's name I didn't know. I didn't see Dustin, however, which was odd because Steve said he was giving him a ride here tonight.

Then he emerged, holding hands with Nancy and wiping his eyes. He had been crying, probably because no one wanted to dance with him, and she must have seen him and went to ask him to dance with her. That was very nice of her.

Brave Like You (Steve Harrington)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin