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I was honestly shocked that Henderson asked me to fill in for Lucas at Eddie's Hellfire Club meeting tonight. He knows I don't know a single thing about that stupid game that they all play. I knew I had to have asked Candy, too. At least she knows the game since she used to play with Eddie when she was younger.

I went to the championship game to watch one of my girlfriend's last times as a high school cheerleader. They let Tammy Tompson sing the national anthem before the game started. This was the girl that Robin had a huge crush on. That was how she came out to me, she told me she hated me because Tammy wanted me and she was jealous. It took me a second, but then I understood.

Robin was standing with the band, and she looked at me. I mouthed to her, "I told you, Muppet."

"Okay," She whispered, "She does sound like a Muppet."

I chuckled to myself. The girl sitting next to me went on about how great she sounded. I told her that I agreed even though I didn't. During the game, I kept my eyes on the game. At halftime, the Hawkins cheerleaders came out and did their routine. My eyes were fixed on Candy, smiling the entire time.

I was delighted when Lucas made the basket that won Hawkins High the championship. I jumped up and down in the stands cheering him on. Everyone rushed him when the game was over. I made sure I went up to him, too.

"You were awesome out there, man!" I told him as I approached him and I pulled him into a big hug. "You did it!"

"I did it!" He exclaimed back.

I patted his shoulder. "You were on fire, I'm so proud."

Lucas got taken by his team then. I looked off and I saw Candy talking to Nancy. Nancy was writing down in her notebook. Candace nodded, and I watched her long ponytail bounce as she walked off heading to the locker rooms to join the rest of her squad. I found Lucas, and I told him he played a great game, because he did. He won the Tigers the championship.

I waited with Robin as Candy was finishing up with her squad. She told me about some party that Candy wanted to go to, but Jason was hosting it so Robin really didn't want to go. I took it upon myself to bring up Vickie.

I smirked as I said, "You two seemed like you were flirting."

"I totally blew it." She said, a hint of panic in her voice. "It was so embarrassing, Steve."

"It's okay," I said, and I patted her on her shoulder, "You were probably just nervous to talk to her. You'll get better at it."

"I don't know," she sighed, "I just wanted to crawl into a hole and die."

I wanted to laugh, but I knew she wasn't joking. She was actually embarrassed. "Well, at least you got to see Tammy tonight."

She rolled her eyes. That was when I laughed. "Never remind me of Tammy Tompson again."

"Are you still teasing her about that?" A voice joked, it was Candy. She appeared next to me, and I put my arm around her shoulders.

I counted Candy's question with another question. "What kind of best friend would I be if I didn't tease her about it, Babe?"

We left the gym then, Robin begging Candy not to make her go to the party with her. Candy admitted she didn't really want to go. I took them back to Robin's house, and I hung out with them for a minute before I left them, heading back home.

The next morning I got a phone call from Candy, her breathing was heavy and her voice was nearly frantic as she begged to come get her early and take her home. She said her uncle had called her, and that he found a dead body wearing a cheerleader uniform in their trailer and that Eddie was missing. I sped my way to Robin's, and I drove as fast as I could to the trailer park.

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