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It's now March, and Steve and I have been fake dating for two whole months now. Boys Basketball season has begun, so we don't get to hang out as much as we used to. He made Captain, and I am proud of him for that. He says I'll make Cheer Captain next year, but I'm not so sure about that one honestly.

On the bus ride to an away game, Steve asked me if I wanted to see a movie with him this weekend. To be honest, I've grown tired of fake dating Steve, but I don't think he's ready to actually date me. He still looks at Nancy with puppy dog eyes, especially since she's constantly with Jonathan now, and I can't stand it. He's still so in love with her and not ready to move on.

Now, I'm not stupid, I know he asked me to see a movie with him to take me out on a date. But, I think I had a way out of this without being an asshole to him. "Yeah," I said, "We should ask Robin if she's free, too."

His smile and otherwise happy expression fell. "Do we have to?"

"What?" I scoff, "Steve, she's my best friend."

"I know," he says, his tone slightly sassy with me, "And she hates me and she won't tell me why. Okay, I'm sorry, Candy, but I would like a night to hang out with my best friend without another pair of condescending eyes glaring at me after everything I say."

That was honestly the first time he's ever contested me offering to have Robin tag along with us. Usually he's actually cool about it, but right now he's actually kind of being a dick about it. I didn't like anyone talking about Robin like that.

My tone is as sassy as his when I respond. "Well, if you want to see a movie with your best friend, then why don't you ask Henderson if he will go with you."

His brown eyes widened in surprise, "Wow, really, Candy? I'm sorry, but I've tried, okay? She's impossible. She won't let up, and I'm sick of it."

I guess he had a point. I felt bad for him now. I tried to reason with him. "We'll be at a movie, she won't even talk to you. I promise."

"Since when do you not want to be alone with me?"

His question caught me off guard, and I admit I was speechless for a moment. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I must have taken too much time for him, because he spoke again. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No," I admit, "But I just don't want to leave Robin out."

He looks at me, the look on his face says he's not going to just let it go. "I'm sorry, but I really just want to hang out with you. Just you."

"I'll think about it," I say, and I know he doesn't like that answer. I could tell by the look on his face. He huffed and turned to look out the window. I had enough of this conversation. So I got up and I headed for another seat, far from the angry boy next to me.

Yeah, Steve wanted to hang out with me and maybe I should just do it. But I haven't found the guts to tell him how I feel when we walk the halls together. All of the eyes on me make me want to run far away from him. I can't handle it.

I found a seat next to another cheerleader, Chrissy Cunningham. She smiled at me and greeted me warmly, "Hi Candy."

"Hey Chrissy," I greeted her back.

"Why aren't you sitting with Steve?" She asks, curiously.

"He pissed me off, so I walked away before I said something too mean," I admit to her.

"I bet he's going through a lot right now," she says, a hint of sadness in her tone. "Being Team Captain and still not getting into college and all."

I looked at her, my eyes now wide. "What do you mean he didn't get into college? He's still waiting on his letter from State."

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