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We sat at a picnic table with Nancy, and she told us everything she learned yesterday. Nancy said she spoke to my Uncle, and he told her he thought that Victor Creel was the one who murdered Chrissy due to how messed up her body was when they found her (He told me the same theory), and we told her all about this monster that we have dubbed the name Vecna and how that was the thing that killed Chrissy and now another student named Fred.

"Our working theory is that he attacks with a spell or a curse. Now whether or not he's doing the bidding of the Mind Flayer or just loved killing teens we don't know." Dustin said after we had all shared everything we knew so far.

"All we know is this is something different," Max added.

"It doesn't make sense," Nancy said.

"It's only a theory," Dustin reminded her.

Nancy elaborated on what she was saying, "No, Fred and Chrissy don't make sense. I mean, why them?"

Dustin shrugged, "Maybe they were just in the wrong place. They were both at the game."

"And near the trailer park," Max added.

Steve sounded as uneasy as he looked as he said, "We're at the trailer park. Ugh, should we maybe not be here?"

We pondered over some more things, like how Fred began acting weird when he and Nancy arrived here yesterday, and how Max and I shared how we both saw how Chrissy was really upset at school yesterday which is why she went to Eddie for drugs.

There was definitely something weird going on in Hawkins again. Max said maybe Chrissy might have told the school counselor that she saw Vecna, since she saw her leaving the office and we decided to leave after forming a plan. Nancy tried to go off alone, but Steve stopped her and asked her what she was doing, she said she needed to check on something.

"Here," Steve tossed his keys to Robin, "You take Max to Mrs. Kelly's."

"You don't want me driving your car," Robin said.

"Why not?" He asked.

She shrugged, "I don't have a license."

"How do you not have a license?" He asked, confused.

Robin just shrugged again, "I'm poor."

"Alright, Candy, I know you have a license. Please. No one should be alone right now."

My eyes gave him a, "Are you serious right now?" glare, and I didn't say anything. He was out of his goddamn mind if he thinks he's going off with Nancy alone right now.

"I can drive," Max said.

"No," Steve said quickly, "Never again." Dustin perked up then, since he was the only one left. "No, never in a million years."

"Please fucking do something before I scream at him," I whisper to Robin.

Luckily for me, my best friend isn't an idiot, and she got the hint right away.

"I'll go with Nancy," Robin said, and she walked over to Steve and handed him the keys to his car back. When she reached him, I heard her softly say, "Stay with your girlfriend, you idiot."

He took the keys back from her. "Always the babysitter," He said bitterly as he started up his car, "Always the Goddamn babysitter!"

"Hey, it's not so bad." I said, and then I added, "This is the most time we've spent with Max since Halloween." I turned my head to look at Max in the backseat, "It's nice to see you out of the house again, Kid. We've missed you."

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