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Deruth had to pinch the bridge of his nose after speaking with Choi Han. He was both sorry and relieved that the swordmaster, despite being generally easy to manipulate, was kind and loving. That puppy swordmaster would be playing right on Cale's hand without even realizing it, or he would be aware but willingly subject himself to it.


Please look after his poor soul.

He prayed earnestly to the gods, who were rolling on the ground and laughing uncontrollably.

Anyway. He straightened himself and welcomed the next person coming in.

It's the bastard's adopted son-in-belief, smiling as holy as he can at him.

This guy should start his cult instead of looking for a husband. He's more like a clergyman preaching the greatness of his god, but that felt very wrong.

The god this bastard is worshipping is his son.

Deruth has never feared anyone, but this person's mental state frightens him.

Who knows... He could be idolizing his son's naked body and even making copies of it. Knowing how this cretin spends his days sowing unbelievable legends, he may or may not opt for the rated items.

If he does, I'll kill him myself.

Hah! He can't help but curse right now in this fucking situation.

"You understand why I called you, right?"

"Certainly, father-in-law!"

Oh my fucking toothless cow gods, I want to slam this jerk's head into the ground.

He swears he got chills all over his body when this jerk called him father-in-law.

Deruth had to stop himself from going berserk. Looking at this jerk, his patience is on th verge of snapping.

Damn it.

He rarely curses, but this situation tests his morality and etiquette. If he can, he'll simply disable them, but what can a normal human do against exceptional megalodon super freaks?

"What do you think of Cale?"

Nonetheless, he poses the same question he just posed to Choi Han.

Clopeh's face revealed a toothy grin. His palms were closed, and his eyes twinkled as if he had just heard the most wonderful thing in the world.

Why did I even summon him here?

He should not have summoned this lunatic!

"Cale-nim is the light that shines through the darkness."

Somehow it's acceptable? But why can't Deruth shake the feeling that this will be a lengthy discussion?

"The greatest quality of a man is his ability to transcend himself, his surroundings, and become the person he aspires to be." Clopeh said of greatness, "My Lord... that legend! To accomplish great things, he did not only act but a dream, not only plan but also believe! It was my honor to witness and be a part of his legend!"

Deruth scowled contemptuously. It's the first time he's heard someone praise someone to the point of nausea.

Cale is fantastic, but the way this moron responds to him is revolting.

Who the hell praises someone in such a rhetorically absurd manner?

"Cale-nim has proved that no life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, and disciplined! No man ever becomes great without many great mistakes! Cale-nim is the embodiment of perfection!"

Who Needs the World?! Cale Henituse is My World!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora