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Hermitcraft was a wonderful place.

Ever since Mumbo had been welcomed to the Hermitcraft server, all the way back in season 2, Mumbo had thoroughly enjoyed his time on Hermitcraft. And season 9 was looking to become another great season, despite the rocky start after the moon crashed into season 8.

Xisuma had forced an emergency world transfer, after the growing moon descended upon the server. To keep the hermits safe.

Mumbo couldn't help but feel that it was his fault.

But nevertheless, season 9 was going wonderfully. Mumbo had plans for his base, and Grian was to live nearby, as usual. Mumbo's vault had been nicely constructed by Grian's boulder, trees surrounding the small building. It was quite cozy, honestly.

But that wasn't the most important thing, rather. Mumbo needed materials. He needed to go mining (and he may as well scout out a megabase location while he was at it.)


After laying out his red wool, finally deciding on a location for his megabase, Mumbo went down into the caves, beneath the mountain and surrounding area. Just a quick trip, to scout out the area, he told himself.

There was a flash of light. Something distinctly purple.

And then Mumbo was out like a light.

And when Grian would go hunting down his friend, concerned after weeks without hearing anything from Mumbo? He would find nothing left behind.

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