Impulse: Feathers

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'This is my home, I don't know you, and at this point, I don't think I want to know you.'

Those words echoed in Impulse's head, over and over.

Mumbo didn't remember them.

He didn't understand why (the short lady with the mask had left pretty quickly, so he hadn't had a chance to ask questions) and he honestly didn't know if he'd ever get a chance to get an answer to those questions. The lady had seemed pretty hostile (not that Impulse could blame her). Mumbo didn't seem open to questions either.

Mumbo seemed more confident, while here. 

What had happened to cause that was yet another question that Impulse didn't have the answer to. It made him want to punch something out of frustration, if he were entirely honest. 

But that could wait, he supposed. The other hermits were his first priority, because none of them were having a good time. Grian just kept staring at the spot where Mumbo and the masked woman had been, Scar by his side. Impulse decided to join them, Tango going with him. 

Impulse kinda wished that Zedaph was there with them as well. It had been a while since Zed had left the Hermitcraft server, his sheep friend was usually too involved in whatever self imposed rules he wanted to do in any given season to talk to people. 

Tango's hand on Impulse's shoulder brought him out of his stupor, and he looked up, trying to avoid Tango's eyes. He hated being pitied, he hated it so much. And he knew that Tango was pitying him, pity was all that Impulse had gotten from the other hermits since Mumbo had initially disappeared. 

And now they knew Mumbo was okay, he just didn't remember them. 

So that constant pity was just going to renew itself. 

Impulse bit his tongue to keep himself from saying anything, instead turning to focus on Grian and Scar. The former of the two was still in shock, Scar rubbing the avian's back in a soothing way. Jellie meowed, and Impulse picked her up. 

"I don't understand." Grian whispered, finally breaking the silence. 

Scar went to respond. He was cut off. 

"Who are you?" Three newcomers, seemingly from this world (like the masked woman) landed, a tall man with a beard stepping forwards. He had a frown on his face, and in Impulse's opinion, a pretty weird outfit. The two behind him were similarly unfamiliar to Impulse, some guy with canary wings and a sheriff's outfit standing next to someone with blue hair and a very vibrant, multicoloured outfit. 

Grian gasped slightly, staring past the bearded man at the sheriff. "Timmy?" 

The sheriff (Timmy, apparently) seemed startled, before a look of recognition crossed his face. "Grian?"

Impulse blinked at them, Timmy walking forwards. The bearded man frowned slightly. 

Timmy turned to face the bearded man. "Joel, this is my brother." He said, and the bearded man - Joel, apparently - seemed to ease up. Joel took a step backwards, until he was next to the colourful man, and Impulse focused more on Grian and Timmy. 

Their words flew over his head, as they spoke, though Impulse felt like he could make a pretty fair assumption that they were speaking about who the hermits were and why they were here - just as Joel had initially asked. 

His head was spinning, and Impulse just kept thinking about what Mumbo had said, kept thinking about all the questions he'd ask if he got the chance. Why didn't Mumbo remember them? Had he been there the whole time? What was with the mask that woman had worn? Why was Mumbo now an avian?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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