Chapter 20__I'd Leave My Happy Home For You

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Like I told Damon.

I could not be in Mystic Falls. Not now.

Not after everything with Kai, the hex that I had used a pregnant woman as a bargaining chip against him so he would take the hex away...

Not after finding out about Sarah, and then finding out that she had been alive this whole time, and Stefan had known the last 20 years, but hadn't told me a single word of it.

Not after I compelled her to go live her normal life.

And not after Damon had told me about the Cure.

I didn't know if I wanted to take it or not.

Well, no, that was wrong.

I knew that I wanted to be human again.

I just didn't know if I was willing to risk everything that would come with it.

I didn't know if I was willing to risk turning human, killing a vampire, and triggering the Potential, supernatural vampire Hunter thing, and make me want to kill my family and all of my friends.

And I also didn't know if I was willing to risk getting sick again, and not being able to make it through this time.

So, what was I supposed to do?

Was I supposed to take it and die not long after because I had been stupid enough to risk it in the first place?

Or what if someone else wanted to take it, and if that someone was over the age of fifty, if I drank the Cure from them, time would hurry to catch up, and they would be dead not long after?

Or what if it was some newbie vamp like me, but something happened, and someone died with it in their system, rendering it useless, and we lost the Cure forever, and I would regret not taking it while I had the chance?

I was miserable as a vampire.

But I didn't want to die, or trigger the Hunter gene, and kill everyone that I cared about.

So, tell me...

What would you have me do?

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