꧁11꧂- Sick To The Bone pt.1

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Nobody ever came to visit him anymore after the traveler had disappeared off to who knows where it all become monotone. As if the world was going by him but he felt as if his person was holding time and space making him feel as if days were going by way slower than before.

Usually he'd be occupied with research but now he lacked any motivation. Anytime he'd go out to seek something new or interesting all he'd be met with was that heavy feeling in his body.

Almost as if he had his own weight on top of him. His back hurt. His legs and arms ached. He had a headache. His throat was scratchy. His fingers were numb. And his eyes hurt from the sheer cold. In all honesty he looked like a total mess and even he couldn't deny it he felt like one.

He looked over to his table and noticed an unfamiliar letter. Was that always there and he just didn't notice?

He strolled over to it picking it up gently and opening it. Soon he had a piece of paper with familiar handwriting.

"Hi i know this might be all too sudden but i wanted to tell you. I will be in Mondstat for a couple of day's. If you ever want to come down and hang out feel free to. I will be most likely hanging around maybe I'll come to you sometime soon. I sent this letter to everyone from here as well."


His eyes lit up as they scanned the name. A small smile appeared on his face and he turned to look past the smoke of the mountain.

Maybe it was a good suggestion to come of the mountain finally. And he knows that he would for sure want to see his friend. His.. yeah.

He smiled and immediately started packing his stuff into a small over shoulder bad brimming with excitement.

And with that he began his descent. First in a couple months.


Nobody ever told him that walking was so tiring. He wasn't even half way down and was already sweating like crazy the headache only getting stronger and stronger.

He felt hazy but he already set out and he wasn't about to back down from seeing Aether for so long.

That wasn't happening.


After a few painful hours he finally reached the bottom where researchers camp was. Though all were either sleeping or not there. He shrugged it off and continued his way back to Mondstat.

It wasn't easy but he felt more and more relief the closer her got to the city.

And so finally he entered it. The sunset was begging as he walked through town towards the alchemy shop. He had his head down not wanting to bear it's weight.

He felt as if he was going to explode and felt embarrassed for looking like this. His hair was obviously all over the place the braids not looking like braids anymore.

As he went past cat's tail there he saw it. It was the travel.

He was sitting down eating some food and talking with Amber and Kaeya.

Teras welled up in his eyes as his lips started shaking. Suddenly it was all coming down on him the weight and countless sleepless nights.

He bolted forward as fast as he could and when he was close enough he wrapped his arms around him burying his head in the crook of his neck.

He immediately heard Kaeya's cocky laughter and Amber giggling feeling Aether chuckling slightly as well but more as in confusion.

"Haha look who's here after all!"

"Gee you missed him more than i imagined you would!"

"Haha hi Albedo.."

But he said nothing keeping himself from bursting out crying. Aether turned his head as much as me being there let him and placed his hand on the side of my face making him close his eyes.

"Oh- you're quite warm and cold at the same time. Everything alright?"

Again Albedo had no intention of actually speaking up his throat tight as he kept trying to not cry.


Kaeya spoke up concern clear as day in his voice.

Albedo felt now embarrassed way too embarrassed to look up and show his face and way too embarrassed to say anything.

He hated this all.

Doesn't matter how precious Aether was to him he hated every second of this.

"Has he ever been acting like that before?"

"No? I don't think so?"

Amber had a frown on her face as she tilted her head standing up from her chair and approaching Albedo.

He squeezed Aether tighter feeling his consciousness slipping as he held his breath knowing that it would expose his condition. The more pain in his lungs he felt the tighter he squeezed or he tried squeezing his eyes even more shut even though he knew it was impossible to do so.


And so the rest seemed to slip his mind as he suddenly felt as if he was drifting away. He heard gasping and frantic shuffling of chairs but all that was cut off by nothingness.




"Guys! GUYS! Calm down he passed out it will be alright. Just calm down okay?"

The two took a shakey breaths as Aether got onto the cold floor lifting up Albedo's head seeing bright crimson blood dripping down slowly.

"Does anyone have something to wrap around his head? A bandage perhaps?"

"I do."

"Thanks Amber. Okay i think it's nothing too serious with the wound but.. he looks shit. What happened to him? He looks paler than i thought a human could ever look like."

"We don't know. He just came back from the mountain."

"Do you know how long was he up there?"

"Uhm. Ten- eleven months? I have no idea but quite some time."

"Of course he was.. this idiot will be the death of me."


Warmth rushed into his body as his eyes fluttered open.

A/n: Hi guys finally decided to post some drafts I've had just laying around.

I hope you like it. To be honest i only made the first part of it so i will have to write the second half but that's fine.

This is to thank all of you for reading this and just being here.

Thank you guys!

///"Synthetic Love"///Albedo X Aether///One-shots ///Where stories live. Discover now