Ch. 2

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It was a Saturday night and I was wasting it with De’ Angelo and his reckless homeboys. It seems that De’ Angelo has been hanging around the wrong crowd lately. Me and momma have been wondering if he was in any gangs or something because the way he’s been acting- as if he run the city, is very predominant.

They were all taking swigs of beer and lighting up cigars. I coughed up a storm. “Boy, put that blunt down. Lord, knows I can’t breathe through the fumes.” I yelled. They all laughed but none of them did as told. One boy named Jason got up. “And what you gonna do if I don’t, ma?” he said daring me.

“Beat ya SpongeBob looking ass.” I cursed loudly. Everyone snickered and oohed and aahed. They knew very well that I was no game. Play with me and I’ll mess up one of your spines. But apparently this boy didn’t know his match.

“Oh really? Girl you know you be smoking on the down low. Don’t act dumb.” He said stepping forward. I was still propped against the brick house not even minding this fool. “Everybody knows I ain’t no smoker. I don’t know where you heard that at but they damn sho a lie.” I said rolling my eyes.

Homeboy picked up a cigar and held it to my lips waiting for me to take a swig. “C’mon girl. Don’t front. You know you want to.” He laughed. I smacked that shit right out of my face. De’ Angelo knew about my severe asthma and stood up.

“C’mon man, you can’t be doing that to a man’s sister.” He said letting Jason know.

Jason pushed him out of the way. “Bitch just smacked my cigarette outta my hand! Did you know those things are going up six dollars? Ain’t nobody got time to be spending on no damn cigarettes!” he hollered like the clown he was.

Everyone laughed but to me and De’ Angelo this was no joke.

“Don’t tease her is all I’m saying. Her asthma be acting up real bad.” He said with concern in his voice. I smiled of how protective he was. All knew not to mess with us. I mean, I could fend for myself but a guardian brother wasn’t bad either.

“Man, leave ol man’s girl alone. That’s De’ Angelo’s sister and Anthony’s woman. Mess with her, you mess with the whole crew.” Joked one of the guys to Jason. Jason thought wisely and sat down before De’ Angelo bust his head wide open.

I even laughed. That was a classic. But deep down everybody knew that was no joke and it shouldn’t even be classified under the jokes category knowing damn well that we were a three man army.

Later that night, we all began to go home. Sometime whilst we were chatting these thirsty wannabe Rihanna girls came over trying to get our attention.

Anyways, De’ Angelo caught himself a stank pussy chicken head so he wasn’t going to be walking home with me. I knew my way around this part of town like the back of my hand so there was no doubt I could walk alone.

“You sure you wanna be walking out here at this time of night?” asked Carter, one of De’ Angelo’s friends.

“Yeah, you know these parts of the city is filled with crime.” reminded De’ Angelo.

I nodded sharply. “Yeah buddy. I know my ways around.” I said.          De’ Angelo hugged and kissed me before walking away.

“Alright, make sure you tell Anthony to come pick you up at the 32nd Street, though. I don’t trust you out here with these neighborhood junkies.” De’ Angelo reminded me.

I nodded and we went our different ways. I dialed up Anthony on my cell just when he picked up. “Hey ma.” He answered his voice deep and husky. It sent shivers down my spine. I could only imagine him playing with his bottom lips the way he always did. Oh ma God he was so sexy.

Partner In Crime : All I Need In This Life Of SinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz