Ch. 15

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Marcie's POV

"DON'T DO IT ANTHONY!!!..." I screamed. Anthony's eyes landed on me. I could tell he was angry but the second he glanced to me they softened. Slowly he dragged his gun to his waist. I sighed, realizing I'd been holding my breath this entire time. I tried to regain posture but it was hard. I nearly stumbled standing up.

I ran over to Deon feeling my lunch about to come up. "Deon, are you OK?" I cried. "Yeah baby. I'm fine." He said crouching over his joint. His face was swollen and badly mauled. I looked to Anthony with this death glare. "Are you fucking insane? The fuck is this all about?" I yelled pounding Anthony's chest.

He jumped back a few steps but came closer. "Marcie-" He started. "Marcie my ass!" I screamed. "And to think-" I was nearly two seconds off from telling him about his child that I was carrying. Tell him. Tell him about his baby. No, not when he's acting like this. "And to think," I started," I loved you." I said those last three words like it was acid in my mouth. It rolled off my tongue like my tears rolled off my cheeks.

Anthony's face suddenly fell. His eyes looked deep with emotion. I took a step back and went to aid Deon. Once I got him to his knees I escorted him prudently to the door. I turned around to catch one last glimpse of Anthony only to catch him staring right back.

"I never want to see you again. I never want you to call me. Don't stop by the house. Don't even look my way if you see me in the streets."  I said placidly. And even though I showed no type of emotion on my face, I felt like I just lost one half of myself.


Anthony's POV

Its been three days since Marcie told me off. How I even survived, I don't know. It felt like I lost another part of me. I've never felt this way with no one. Not even my mama. To think Marcie had all this over me is beyond my head. I love her so much I'm not even sure if I love myself anymore. And to think, I'm convinced we'll never speak again.

What kills my heart is the fact that she is fucking with that hoe ass nigga, Deon. See, I would get in his ass. I've got all the connections. Enough connections to have him murdered the second I order him dead. But if this is what Marcie wants- to move on - then I won't get in the way. Never thought I'd see the day I cry. 


Deon's POV

"Baby, do you need another Advil?" Asked Marcie as she promptly, tended to my cast. I came out with a few broken ribs and crunched fingers but besides my face I was good. Marcie had volunteered to be my caretaker for the while being. I was surely grateful for her ass because otherwise I'd been on my own.

"Sure." I responded watching her move. I can't lie, Marcie was overall the sexiest woman I've seen in a minute. Her long brown curls fell over her shoulder and met her huge round ass. She had enough breasts, and ass to weigh it all out. And her curves complimented her so well. She seemed to be getting a little thicker actually...

She swayed her hips to the cabinet then dodged forward reaching for the aid kit giving me a good glimpse of her ass. "Your thirsty ass." I heard her joke. I chuckled. She was such a good woman it was hard to believe I was playing her like this. Its hard to believe she's nothing but bait. A job. A decoy.

I almost felt the urge to admit to her my intentions. I've never felt remorse for being such a player but  there's no other type of guilt that makes you feel this bad. That I might potentially end her life. That she actually believes we are a couple. I scoffed in my head. I'm just getting caught up. All in my feelings is all. But I couldn't hold t back, "Marcie, I need to tell you something." I said blandly.

My mouth felt dry. "Huh?" she asked whilst reading the label of the Advil container. "I-ummm, I'm-ummm, I-" I stuttered. She looked to me, "What is it?" I looked to her set of cocoa brown eyes. "Um-" I continued. Should I really tell her about my deal with Calvin? Is getting back at Anthony really important? Do I really love this girl? Am I really debating this?

"Deon!" Marcie said snapping me into reality. I looked to my hands. "Uh, I think Tylenol would be better." I dropped the conversation. She glanced at me for a few seconds, probably wondering about what just happened then played along and fetched for some Tylenol.


Marcie's POV

Lala rounded the corner as I followed hot on her trails. "Lala wait up, I'm pregnant, ya bish?" I said straining for a breath. We swerved into a Starbuck's so that we could talk. "Marcie, I have to talk with you." Lala frowned. "OK." I said in a hot sweat from following her down the street.

"You're pregnant." She stated. "Why state the obvious?" I asked, her rolling her eyes. "Wait up, impatient. I'm just saying-" She paused to search my face of any emotion. I could tell if she was debating on telling me or not. "Tell me now." I demanded.

"OK. I saw ya momma a few ages ago. I told her about your miraculous pregnancy and about you out of prison. She says she'd really like to see you again." As soon as Lala said that, a huge chump of emotion climbed my mind. Flashbacks of what happened came back to me like a haunted nightmare. When she kicked me out the house, to fend for myself. Had I not known Lala and Anthony where would I have gone? Would she really have given me away to a man that wasn't around from the day I was born- my daddy?

"Why? Why would you tell her that? Why does she want to see me?" I asked tears forming. "No, Marcie don't cry. She loves you more than anything-"

"If she loved me more than anything she wouldn't have kicked me out the damn house!" I said bringing attention to our booth. "Marcie, you're her daughter. Just see her once that's all. You're going to be a mommy. It been almost three years." I sighed.


I fixed my yellow sun dress to look presentable. I had Lala drop me off at my mother's residence. It was a shabby looking apartment complex uptown, but it wasn't nearly as messy as the house I grew up in. She was on the top floor. Graffiti stretched the walls of the building and trash lined the doors. It looked like a hell hole.

When I reached the top, I noticed how the atmosphere completely changed. There was no trash. No graffiti. Just flowers lining the window sills, colorful walls, and the sound of Sam Cooke and Marvin Gaye reaching the halls. It was like I reached another diversion. I knocked on the only door on the floor. Finally the door swung open but only enough for me to take a peek through the slit.

"Who is it?" The voice was familiar. Too familiar. My voice got caught in my throat. I tried to swallow but instead I ended up swallowing my words. I held silent for a second. "Hello? Who is it out there?" The voice continued. I fixed myself to speak but nothing came out. For a second, the door held still. I thought about leaving but just in time, the door opened. Wide enough for me to see who was behind the door. 

I stood, choking on my words. Frozen completely still. I spread my lips to speak, "...Mom..."


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