Ch. 6

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For ya'll that haven't noticed I edited the Characters. Lola Monroe is the a better description of Marcie in my opinion. TELL ME WHO YOU THINK BEST FITS MARCIE'S CHARACTER...

Previous chapter: Marcie is jumped by Ashley.


"Shit." I mumbled. Just then I felt an object knocked me upside my head. For a second everything was dizzy as my speech slurred. Then I heard one familiar voice. "You gone get what you deserve bitch!" Ashley cursed.

As I came to my senses I swerved around to see her ass throwing curse words like they were rocks. Bitch, this. Whore, that. I was about to throw some punches until someone caught my hair. I fell backwards tugging on the hands of the person trying to pull my hair off. "You filthy bitch!" Ashley swore. She came closer and spat on my face.

It seems as though Ashley couldn't fight her own battles since she bought two fat bitches to the game with her and some husky nigga that was now ripping my hair off my scalp. He sent a few punches to my groin making me cough up blood. As soon as I got him to a vulnerable point, I uppercut him and bent his leg from the front. He went down with ease.

Then all of her other bitches came charging at me. I realized one was Michelle, that fat bitch that always hit on Anthony. I don't know why but to this day I am still agitated about it even though me and Anthony are over. I swung at her first, rupturing her jaw. "Damn." She cursed. Ashley and this other big girl came charging at me with their fists ready. I took the fat one first and had her on the ground cowering.

Then I turned to Ashley.

"You dirty home wrecking whore. Now I see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." I smiled as blood crept from my mouth. She knew I was referring to her coke head momma. Everyone knew Ashley was one of her 17 children.

"Your stank ass don't know nothing about my mama, Hoe. Shut up before I whoop that dirty ass of yours." She swore.

"Stop talking battles you can't fight." I challenged her.

"I'm still talking though." Ashley pushed her false weave to the side. She had not one scar because this bitch wasn't even in the fight. She ordered people to jump me. Scared ass hoe.

"You not saying much." I smartly said.

As I was about to finish her off, the man came back into the game. He was still limp from the leg I'd broken. He charged at me with one metal bat in his hand. As the bat met my side I fell and the tears dared to fall out of my eyes. The pain was excruciating. He repeatedly punched me and at the same time one of the fat bitches had my hair kicking me on the skull. I kicked him back where his leg was broken but it didn't do much since he withstood my attack.

"Anthony's my man, Bitch." I heard Ashley say. I felt the anger rise in my veins. Damn, I wasn't yet over him like I thought I was. Speaking of Anthony, his ass emerged from behind the building. It took him a while to visualize what was happening but eventually he caught on. As he ran to my aid he pulled out a pistol and held it to the man who was mauling me up.

"Get the fuck off of her!" He yelled whilst he had the pistol aimed at the man's temple. The man slowly backed off with his hands in the air. The other bitches also threw back a couple of inches. Ashley was obviously scared. "I'm so sorry baby." She cried. She was so phony at times. "Shut up, ho!" Anthony cursed. She stopped sobbing and bowed her head. The anger was clear in his eyes. His jaw was clenched tightly as his eyes shaded an evil red.

"Imma give you five seconds to leave before I pull this trigger." Anthony said.

"Five," He counted down as he loaded his gun.

"Four," As Ashley and her crew began to run down the dark alleyway she stumbled. The man took one glimpse at her on the ground and dipped. Smh, and these are the type of people hoes consider loyal friends.

"Three," Anthony's glock was pointed to her wimp ass as she began to crawl out of the alleyway. I felt no remorse for her sorry ass.

"Two," By now they were all far out into the distance.

Anthony looked down at me and I saw his eyes become soft. He stuffed his glock in his jeans and helped me up. My side began to ache terribly. "Ow." I moaned as his hand made contact with my bruise. He looked up to me with a guilty face. "C'mon." He said as he pulled me off the floor and carried me to his car. His touch was pleasurably painful considering I was badly mauled. But just being here in his arms again made me happy. I felt soft tears ready to pour from my eyes as he sat me in the passengers seat.

He started the car and we pulled off. I stared out the window as the club became farther distant. I knew this was probably the last time I'd go back there. I just couldn't understand why he'd save me considering I avoided all his calls and messages. The car ride seemed almost interminable as the silence grew louder.

"How did you know to save me?" I asked without making eye contact. I could feel his eyes on me now, burning into my skin.

"I always used to pick you up from work. I decided that maybe I should meet up with you after work so we could talk about Ashley- I mean what happened." He quickly corrected himself.

I waited for him to finish. "Then I heard a bunch of chaos from behind da bar so I went to go check it out. I never suspected it would be you, Marcie." He said.After that the car ride seemed to last even longer as the silence grew again. I was hoping he wouldn't say anything because I wasn't ready to talk-

"Why haven't you returned all of my calls?" He asked ruining the silence. "What you mean?" I asked furrowing my brows at him. This was the first time I made contact with him since we got in the car. He so handsome as the street lights illuminated him. His hazel eyes studied the road above him. I quickly pried my eyes away.

"I've been calling you everyday, Marcie. Every time I went to voice mail, my hope lessened even more than the last. Do you have any idea how much I care for you?" He asked gritting his teeth. "Do you know what it feels like to not be able to talk to the woman I love?" He repeated.

"Do you know what it feels like to catch the man I loved more than world, in bed with another woman?" I asked.

He shut up. "I've been trying to convince myself that I don't love you, Anthony, but it has been so hard. Whenever I went through some hard times you were there to comfort me. Now you ain't even here..." I cried. He looked at me as tears ran down my face.

"I'm sorry." His apology was sincere as his voice got higher.

"No," I said rejecting his apology, "Sorry won't fix what you did." I sat back and thought about all of the times I suspected Anthony was cheating on me.


"Hey you home?" Was my first response."Yeah what you need?" he asked. I heard the voice of a female in the background which sorta put me off. I knew for sure his momma said she would be in Florida for a family reunion. I couldnt figure out why there was any voice of a female in the house.

"Who's that in the back?" I asked suspiciously.

"Courtney, my brother's friend. I guess that's his hit for the night haha." He laughed but that didn't make i for me. I just pushed the thought away.

***End of Flash back***

"Did you ever cheat during our relationship?" I asked straight forward. Anthony looked baffled that I was so open about it. It wasn't like me to ask out of the ordinary questions like that.

He looked to me then back on the road. I eyed him him waiting for the answer hoping he'd say no. Please say no, God please say no! "Yes." He responded casually yet reluctant. He regretted admitting it but he knew it was only right.

I nodded my head feeling the hope fall into a void pit at the bottom of my heart. It pained me for him to say that but at least I know he told the truth. Once again tears formed at my eyes. I looked out the window to avoid contact with him. I wept silent tears as we drove on in silence.

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