Ch. 12

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Previous chapter: Marcie is released from jail. She reunites with Lala.


"We need to talk." Lala said. She started down the foyer and Micheal and I followed suite. She seated us on the living room couch. At first Lala was doing all the talking and Micheal even took the initiative to begin a conversation. All of my answers were indirect and curt. Then at some point, I let go and told her everything.

I told her about the day I found Anthony Missing In Action with Ashely. I told her about how Ashley and her groupies jumped me behind the strip joint. I explained to her how that was the last day I'd seen the strip club. I even told her about my selling dope with Anthony for the past two years and why I had to abandon her.

"So what you're saying is, you abandoned me because you were too busy living the life of a drug pusher." Lala furrowed her brows. I shook my head, "No, that's not how it was! I left because I couldn't afford to put your life in danger just because of my lifestyle!"

"Marcie, that's some straight up bull! You're saying you ruined our friendship just so that you could live this life of a criminal? Right." Lala hollered. I shook my head again. "You're not getting my point-" I said in the weakest voice.

"Marcie, as long as we've known each other, and this is how you do me?" She asked, the hurt clear in her voice. 

"My father was murdered because of me! Had I not involved family into this he would've still been alive. That's why I isolated my momma and my brother, De' Angelo. That's why I isolated you. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that I'd gotten another one of my closest friends killed." I said, tears straining my face.

Lala's face fell and she placed a hand on my lap. "I'm sorry." Her apology was quiet enough it could've been mistaked for a whisper but loud enough to be heard. "I- I didn't know..." She continued. Just then Micheal cleared his throat and we both looked over to him. "I must be leaving. It's way past eight." He stood up and Lala followed suite. Later that night I found myself cuddled into a warm blanket wrapped in warmth with tears silently streaming my face. All I could think about was my father and the fact that I thought Anthony and I were no more.


Anthony's POV

"Aye, we got some news for you." My boy Kraig walked towards me.

"What's going on?" I said while decking my cards. Across the table my man Deon sat, fixing cards for each player. His eyes looked to Kraig.

"We just got news that ya girl Marcie out of jail. Seems some nigga bailed her out." Kraig finished. My heart began to flutter and my stomach began to knot. She's home? Where is she now? Thoughts raced my mind the speed of light. Then the realization of something else came to mind- a nigga bailed her out. That made my blood boil. Who the hell would straight up disrespect me like that? 

Marcie was mines and mines only! Whoever this other nigga was had better watch out. I stood up, "Do ya know where she is now?" The boys looked to me and then to Kraig awaiting an answer. "Oh yea. They say she over in Florida. But don't you think she gone be pissed to see you? Especially since you didn't bail her out like you promised..." Kraig trailed off.

"Nigga, mind yo got damn business. Whatever goes on between Marcie and I will stay between Marcie and I." I said becoming defensive. But I knew he was right. Knowing Marcie, she'd probably be thinking of some way to curse my ass out before I'd even got a chance to approach. But best believe I was catching the next flight to FL to meet my baby.


 Marcie's POV

I woke up to the scent of  eggs, syrupy pancakes, buttered waffles, and sausage. It woke my senses as I trailed further down the foyer into a kitchen. Lala was cooking her ass off and jamming to a new track by Chris Brown. "Aye." I said, sleep still heavy in my voice.

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