Ch. 16

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Previous chapter: Marcie confronted her mother for the first time in years...


Marcie's POV

"...Mom..." I choked on my words. She looked taken aback by my appearance. "Marcie?" She jostled around nervously, looking for something to occupy her hands. Something she did when she was nervous. I smiled against my will. It was hard knowing this was the very same mother that kicked me out the house at only 17. 

Still, she was my mother. We stood at the door staring at each other, speechless. Finally she took the initiative to speak first. "Um... come on in." She moved around the door frame to give me excess to her apartment. I gotta admit, inside was more outrageous than the outside. She shut the door and quickly raced ahead of me, eager to show me around.

"Come." She took my hand and escorted me to the kitchen. Her hand in mines felt weird considering I hadn't touched my mother in ages. Her smile was foreign, her voice was different. I felt like this wasn't the mother that I knew just three years ago. When we got to the kitchen, she let go of my hand and I took in one big gasp of relief. 

"I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable." She said, looking to me. I shook my head no, although that damn sho was a lie. I seated myself across from her. "Soo..." I spoke after a long unnecessary silence. "How are you?" She asked, fumbling with her tea. When did she start drinking tea? 


Deon's POV

"Ay, bruh," Calvin dapped me up. I've been all in my feelings this week because of Marcie and I wasn't in the mood to speak. But this nigga called me up in a minute, asking if we wanted to talk. I agreed only cause this is Calvin. He's the closet thing to money other than Anthony, and ever since my little brawl with him, we ain't been on good terms.

"Hey, whats going on?" I asked getting straight to the point. He looked to me, "Damn! Is it any need that I take my seat before you start drilling me with questions?!" I nodded understandingly.

"Anyway, I just wanna be clear on how you is doing with Marcie." He said.

"Uh, everything coo." I said, my eyes wandering elsewhere. Some beautiful broad was standing next to me but my eyes just couldn't attach. My mind was too fixed on Marcie for any woman to come between.

"You lying." Calvin sat up. "What?" I asked, breaking my eyes from afar. "I know you is lying." He said again, to my amazement with no emotion. I figured he'd be mad as hell, but he was just as normal. "Calvin, trust me. I got her. In time, she will be all yours." I spoke with uncertainty. He stood up and fumbled inside his white loafers. I knew exactly what that meant. He was pulling out a gun. 

"The fuck? Man, chill out!" I was about to stand but in no time, he had the gun propped to my head. All of the beautiful ladies around us began to go crazy, followed by screams. My eyes were wide with fear and the look on Calvin's face told me he ain't give a shit. I held my hands up to my head, in surrender. "Man, I promise to bring you Marcie! I swear-" I tried to stand but he pushed me down.

"Sit down! Motherfucka! Now, I ain't got time for games! Get me my girl and quick. Or its your ass. Your life is on the line. Its your or Marcie's." he sent the gun back into his shirt before walking away. I sat there frozen, my heart pounding in my ears.


Red's POV

*** Red works for Anthony.***

Damn, some young blood had just got caught up with Calvin. At first everything seemed fine, fine women, a fine meal, a fine day. And then this this nigga Calvin pulled out a gun to this man's face. Crowd went crazy like they done never seen a gun. And then he just up and left. And to make it worse, that young nigga was Deon!

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