Ch. 1

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Two years later…


I was walking down the block to my house with Lala and Anthony by my side. My two best friends were here laughing their asses off about homeboy who tried to bust a move on me.

“So I whipped his monkey looking ass with my shoe.” I said loudly as the neighbors shook their heads in disapproval. My two friends were now busting out laughing in hysterics. Anthony was almost in tears. We had to stop on the way home three times for Lala to get her laughs out.

“Stop it!” whined Lala. “Girl, you are bad.” Lala whimpered from the ache on her side. “God I’m laughing so hard I got a stomach ache now.” We all laughed at her comment. Lala was my best friend since sophomore year at high school. Even though we had only known each other for two years, she was my home girl and we we’re glued by the hips.

The best part was that she lived right down the street from me.  Her Brazilian mix really stood out on her features with her long, thick black hair. Everyone said we looked just like twins with our waist long hair and pretty brown teddy bear eyes.

“Girl, you got me dying.” Laughed Anthony. He slung his arm over my waist. No we weren’t dating but whenever we hung out alone or with Lala, we acted as if we did.

“Haha, I can’t stop laughing at the part where you said he looked as black and burnt as Flava Flav.” Lala continued. God, this girl can laugh till the day she dies.

“Girl, shut ya stupid ass up. You almost as black as he is.” Anthony joked. Lala stopped laughing and went into beast mode.

“The fuck you say? Boy, I ain’t charcoal black, I’m a dark caramel. And color doesn’t got nothing on this big ass of mine and all this hair.” She said swinging her hair left to right. I agreed and we both started laughing our asses off.

“I don’t even know why us black people discriminate ourselves anyway.” I said as I pushed pass them two. Anthony grabbed my arm and swung me around as he looked down to my face. Over the few years Anthony got hell of tall. He was almost 6’1 and here I am still 5’4. But I loved when he bent down to kiss me. Lala was looking at us with proud eyes. She never let herself become a jealous third wheel. Anthony didn’t speak but brought his face centimeters to mine. We were both smiling as he leaned further in to plant a perfect kiss on my lips.

I moaned in his arms as he grabbed my ass with one hand and tugged on my hair with the other. “Anthonyyy…” I moaned as he deepened the kiss.

“Oh ma God! My best friends are about to get down n dirty right in broad daylight. Worldstarrrr…!” Lala chimed. Anthony laughed on my lips as I pulled away crushing my dreams of us two kissing. “Girl, why you always gotta be playing?” I asked nudging her in the shoulder.

She laughed and Anthony flipped her the bird. “One day yall gonna make the cutest babies. I’m gonna be a proud auntie.” She said teasing us both.


It was a Sunday night and I was chilling here with Anthony at his momma’s house. His momma was gone so it was just us and his nosy ass brother, Lamar. Anthony promised me he’d beat his ass next time we caught him snooping behind our door.

Then here come his retarded ass brother. “Yo, I’m starving.” He whined.

“Well go take your starving ass to Subway and bring back a five dolla foot long, Nigga.” Anthony reply.

“Bitch, I’ll call momma on your ass and tell her you ain’t feeding me.” His brother swore. Even though Lamar was only one year younger than Anthony, he acted trippy as fuck like some three year old. I laughed as he whined some more.

Anthony gave him one good slap to his bald ass head and he left. “Why you gotta be so mean to your baby brother?” I asked.

“Because he’s a bebe kid.” Anthony laughed just as I did. He sat down next to me on his bed and leaned in for a kiss. I didn’t pucker up though.

“What? A nigga can’t get some love?” he joked. I took his shoulders and straddled him until I was on top. Then I bent over and kissed him. His hands stretched farther down my back until he had them planted on my ass. I laughed against his kiss.

Even though Anthony took my virginity a year ago, we never told because we wanted to remain friends. We only did it three times though because we considered ourselves friends. But tonight wasn’t an option. For the past weeks we’ve been wanting each other and it wasn’t gonna end until we did this.

He pulled my jersey shirt over my head. I unbuttoned his plaid collared shirt and began kissing his chest. He slid me off of his lap onto my back as he undressed me with his mouth. He was so slow and delicate with it as if I was gonna break at any given moment. As soon as we were both undressed he looked at me as if to get an ok.

I nodded and he went deep on me, licking me from my naval to below. All I can say is… I hope Lamar wasn’t in the house because my moans were loud enough for all of New York to hear.

Partner In Crime : All I Need In This Life Of SinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang