Ch. 11

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Previous chapter: Marcie hears gunshot and believes Anthony is shot.


Marcie's POV

As soon as gunfire went off I quickly raced to Anthony's aid. He'd be damned if he thought I was gonna stand here and not help him. As I cornered into the living room, an injured Anthony came into view. I sprinted to his side and stooped on the floor. He was crouched and holding his groin. "Anthony! Baby, whats wrong?" I cried as I tried to pry his arm off of his wound. Blood was seeping through his shirt and I just knew he had to have been shot right through his stomach. The thought of losing him made my heart ache. "Baby, its OK. Calm down, baby." I cooed. He rocked back and fourth trying to hold in agony.

"Gun-" He tried to pronounce.

"What?" I asked holding his open wound.

"Gun-" He pointed to the coffee table adjacent to us. I flung over and ripped the glock from underneath the table which it was taped to.

Just as I was about to pick him up from the ground, a cop came rushing forward with his gun in view. I stood up and slowly backed off with my gun facing his direction "Ma'am, please release your weapons." He said calmly. As he took another step closer I took the gun off of safety lock. He looked to me and then to the gun as if he was studying my next moves.

"Don't-" Anthony held his hand out while coughing up blood. I felt a warm tears fall down my cheek. Don't die baby. Please don't die now. 

"Don't shoot!" He managed to say.

The cop reached for his retriever and spoke into it, "Sir, we have an unknown suspect. Do we bring her into custody?" The voice on the other side of the retriever only said, "Stay put. We have another flood of officers on their way." Before the call ended, the officer called for his partner.

"King!" He hollered. Before I knew it, his partner had came into the living room. My mouth gaped open as I soon came into realization of who his partner was. Of all people I had not expected it to be him. Small world.

I couldn't believe my eyes as I tried to register who his partner was. Seems like reality really fell back when he walked into the room. With one glance at me, he eyed me boldly as if he couldn't believe it ether. He lowered his gun and spoke, "Marcie?"

The first officer took that as an advantage and tackled me while holding me in position as he fumbled for hand cuffs. My gun had flew an entire different direction."Let me go!" I screamed, flailing in his arms.

"Don't hurt her!" Anthony choked.


Anthony's POV

I watched as Marcie's mouth flung open as the second officer came into view. After sharing perplexed glances at one another, he lowered his gun. "Marcie?" He asked, not only startling me, but the first officer also. Did she know him? How come she never told me?

Just then, the first cop abruptly flung towards Marcie. She whined in his arms and swung her arms widely as he pulled out some silver cuffs. "Don't hurt her!" I yelled but the noise only made my gun wound more painful. I grunted and clung closely to my groin. The second officer remained still before coming to his senses. "Leave her alone!" He yelled to his partner.

The two officers shared glances and the first cop released a vile Marcie. She pummeled him in the face as soon as she was released. Damn, I trained her good, I thought. If everything she knows came from me, then she was one smart ass woman because no one knows skill more than I do. I snickered at how well she boxed him. He crouched over, tightly holding his nose as blood dripped onto our carpeted floors. Officer two looked to me and then rolled his eyes as I snickered.

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