Devin x Bryan Vampire love final Part

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Again, if you have fear of blood, do not read this story, please. For the brave souls still reading this, let's start this story.

Tw: blood and mentioned on scrapes.

No one's Pov:

As he heard a noise coming from outside the closet, he tried to breathe calmly, but he couldn't let fear getting in the way of him calming down.

Then a noise coming from the closet door opened up, and he kept quiet before the blood smelled his fear and was so close to him and found him.

"AGH," Bryan screamed he was grabbed by the arm and bit down on his neck.

"Devin, please, I know you can hear me. I'm here. Please don't let it control you." He said as he placed his hand on Devin's head.

"What have I done? Bryan, I' s-sorry."Said Devin as he cries on his lover's shoulder. While holding his hand on his cheek.

He picked up his love and placed a bandaid on the neck where the bloodlust bit, and he could still feel his lover's heartbeat. He realized that he was alive.

Devin's Pov:

But I can't stay here. I guess if I stay here, I'm endangering his life if I stay.

I walked to the door and left, hoping he would be safe. Before doing that, I left him a note explaining why. And go without him seeing me leave.


Bryan's Pov:

When I woke up, I looked around and found a note that made my heart drop.

"Dear Bryan, I can't stay here because I lost control over my bloodlust and I hurt you so I didn't mean to hurt you it pains me to say that I left so you can be safe from me.

I don't want to hurt you, and I barely can stop myself from drinking blood. I am so sorry for leaving you alone. Please don't look for me.

I might end up putting you in harm's way if you try looking for me.

I love you so much.

Sincerely, Devin"

I don't blame him. He was just hungry, and I knew he wouldn't be able to live if he didn't have blood to drink, so I ignored his warning and remembered where he went.

So I went where he could be, and it's where he bit, and it was where he was on his way home.

I looked around and I saw a silhouette in the woods. I followed it to a cave that was five minutes away and got to find him.

But I got distracted by the cave's glow in the dark, and I saw a lot of variations of plants and saw the water that glowed when I put my hand in the lake.

It looks beautiful till I sense someone standing behind me and thought it was him when I look no one's there.

"Devin, you here. I'm looking for you please answer me here. I was worried about you." I said, calling out to him.

Thefamousfilms X FOUROHFOUR Entertainment On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara