Yandere Devin x Canibal Bryan

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Disclaimer: This story may contain very horrible signs like minplulation, disappearance, lack of blood, and gore.
Devin's Pov:

I took the bully who taunted every single student in school and used a mask to sneak and minplulation ready to go.

Also, a knife is ready for a fight or beat the hell out of him.

But if he threatened to harm my senpai, he's so dead.

"*Giggles* He's not answering my questions. Then, I would take his best friend to follow up on the old Canibal plan so fear would still live. And feed the meat of his friend to let the Canibal instincts out, just like the anti peace, and to eat their victims." said the bully.

That sentence "Feed the meat of his friend." Is nasty and unacceptable cause I befriend Jake to help Bryan by comforting him.

The old days are history of what we can fix and not change the custom of said peace. Now my blood boils as this man knows where he's heading to.

I followed him and stopped him at his tracks to hurt and kidnapped Jake.

"What the hell are you." He said in confusion.

"The one who will follow up your plan and foiled them." I replied.

He tried to attack me, but I stabbed his leg, and he tremble in fear of me.

"Who are you some kind of guardian demon." He said, and I laughed luckily the voice over covered my real voice.

"Now, here's the video I found on media." I said.

He looked at the video, and I threatened any of the recordings he said.

"If you ever say something as stupid as that you are dead after graduation and I'll protect anyone in Westria high school students who are different than the normal ones. I'll be watching you." I whispered.

He nodded and went back to his home, and I went to my home as well.

I looked back at Jake's house before leaving and smiled.

No, it can hurt my senpais friend. And gets away with it.

Bryan's Pov:

Whispers about some type of guardian demon made me relieved but quite scared in school due to yesterday's conversation, and apparently, the bully never came to school.

Apparently, after I left home and went to school, the bully was in the hospital and admitted that he's forcing the cannibal students to go back to their old was and if they didn't then their friends would pay the price.

He was a shycopath, to be honest, and the school board would send any bully to make an apology note to their victims and never do this again.

But I can't help but feel like I'm not the only one who was approached by these types of things and bullies.

"HEY, BRYAN." I heard a yell and ran to Jake with a hug of relief, and he told me he's fine.

Then Devin placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me an onvelop to meet him under the cherry tree on the hill after school.

"Well, Bryan, do you accept his offer." Jake asked me.

My face turns red, and finally said "Yes I do accept his offer." And Devin kissed my cheek and left for classes.

"I'll be waiting for you." He said before leaving.

I went to my classes, and Jake went to his class, and at noon, I went to Cherry Tree, surrounded by lots of love related plants.

And I see hands covering my eyes and hearing familiar voice. "Are you surprised."

"Let me guess, Devin." I said in a calm manner.

"You're close." They said.

"Wait, is it Jake." I said

"You're correct ok Devin you can show yourself." He called out from behind the tree.

Then he realses his hands, and I saw Devin in front of me and said,
"Bryan, Will, you be my boyfriend."

"Give him a moment." Jake asked

He understands till Devin sees my red face cause I'm truly flattered and finally says yes.

About a week later.

It was a surprisingly good day, and about that day, I never felt more happy about dating a boy who is able to be a part of myself and a friend of mine.

Thankfully, I was able to ask my boyfriend about the guardian demon who saved my Jake's life, and he told me that it was him who saved my friends life.

"You're welcome, my dear." He said

I kissed him on the head as a thanks for saving my friend.

The end

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