The Anniversary

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I step out of the car, Ddot and Dd are so far apart from each other. I stand with my back against the car and look to my mom as she walks around to me with flowers in her hands. "Just get it over with..."my mom says before putting her hand on my back slightly forcing me to walk to Ethan's grave.
Now that me and my mom have arrived everyone starts to place flowers on the grave. I tuck some hair behind my ear so i can see Dd and Ddot in the corner of my eye.
After all the flowers were laid we all stand in silence, we do this every year but today there is something awkward about the silence. I see Mrs Jackson eyeing me Dd and Ddot down as if she knows somethings we go. "And what's going on with you three, why y'all so separate" she says with her lips pouted and hands on her hips. We all stay in silence with our heads faced to the floor as our moms gather together in agreement.
"Y'all better sort it out before dinner tonight" Dd's mom says. "Oh my God" i mutter a bit louder than i expected forgetting about the dinner. Everyone's staring at me and i just give my head a slight itch in embarrassment as our moms turn from looking at me to say goodbye to one another. While they're busy i make eye contact with Ddot "Im sorry" i mouth to him, "fuck you" he mouths back before walking to his car. I can't be upset with him for the way he's acting, he already lost Ethan and doesn't want me and Dd to choose each other over him is what i'm assuming. I let out a slight sigh and walk over to crouch down to Ethan's head stone..."i miss you" i whisper before walking off back to the car. My mom gets in and slams the car door to then aggressively put on her seatbelt. "You must enjoy making me look like a fool Kiara" she says whilst starting the car. "And if you dare have this attitude at dinner tonight your in for a whooping later" she says kissing her teeth.

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