F*ck You

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I get to my house with my heels in one hand and my purse in the other. I debate wether or not i should go in as i can tell my mom is waiting up for me, all the lights are on except for Kenya and Dante's bedroom.
I sigh before building up the courage to open the metal fence leading up to the front porch, my feet are freezing with every step i take on the concrete floor. They feel swollen and sore but my mind is focused on everything that has happened tonight, the good and bad.
I reach out for the door handle but keep my hand rested on the handle hesitant to open the door, but someone opens it for me, it's my mom. She stares me dead in the eye with confidence, and i stare back but with fear. She breaks the silence as she
gets a tight grip of my hair dragging me inside as i let out a slight squeal. She pushes me up against a wall in the hallway and slams the door shut, tears start to build up in my eyes making my vision blurry. She storms toward me before forcefully slapping me across my face, i loose my balance and fall to my knees letting out a gasp. I hold my hand tightly to my cheek to stop the tingling sensation of the slap whilst standing back up. "You slept with David?" "You dirty little whore" my mom says shaking her head in disbelief. "What the fuck did you just call me" i say stepping closer to her, i honestly don't know where i got the confidence from to do that. "Oh so you grown now Kiara? You better back the fuck up before i beat the shit outta you" I roll my eyes, "Your such a hypocrite!" i say with my eyes scrunched, "you had me at 15 and God knows what age u actually had sex at!" i shout waving my hands around to get my point a cross. "This ain't about sex Kiara! This is about the fact that you slept with David of all people!"... "shows how desperate you you are" she says looking me up and down in disgust. "Desperate?" i ask folding my arms.
"You heard me" my mom says taking a step closer to me, she's so close i can feel her breathing on my face.
"I just wanna know what makes you think...THAT YOU CAN COME BACK HERE" she shouts banging on the wall six times in beat with what she said. "Oh don't worry i'll gladly leave!" i say before walking towards the stairs. She grabs me by my shoulders spinning me around to face her to then drag me by my hair putting me back where i was, against the wall. "Where the fuck do you think your going!?" my mom asks. "To get my stuff so i can leave this shit hole" i shout letting out a deep breathe. "Well you can leave 'this shit hole' without your stuff!" she says flinging open the front door before throwing me onto the floor of the porch slamming the door. I quickly pick myself up from the floor not really processing what just happened. I see the door handle pull down as my mom forces her hand through a small gap of the door throwing my shoes and purse onto the floor and slamming the door shut again. "Fuck you! You know what i am a whore" i shout at the door sarcastically to piss my mom off, "And not only did i sleep with Dd once...i slept with him twice!" i say throwing up two fingers to the door. "And i loved every second!" i shout laughing.

I turn to see 3 neighbours staring at me quite concerned and confused, i swear my neighbours are so nosey. I throw both hands up as if to ask what are you looking at. I roll my eyes before walking down the street not really knowing where to go, i look back as the lights in my house start to turn off one by one. My phone is on 11% battery and Dd's mom would probably kill me if i show up after being part of the reason her sons anniversary was ruined. If i go to my Grandma's she will call my mom and then probably throw me out too if my mom explains what happened, and i can't go to Ddots after what i did so i use the last of my battery to call my friend, Natasha.

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