Chapter 2

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It was night. Charlotte and Susie already packed their things and pass through the grass. There they were, standing quietly admiring the town, with purple lights illuminating the place. Charlotte was excited for what was going to happen next. Meanwhile Susie was insecure, he was scared of what could happen.

"Hey, who are you?" Oh no. There it is, Susie was sure that something bad was going to happen.

"Oh .. Hello I'm Charlotte and she is my friend Susie... And you?"

"Charlotte Emily? The princess..."

"Yes... The same" Say Charlotte hesitated towards the stranger.

"I'm Elizabeth Afton... I guess you know who I am for the last name" Elizabeth seemed like a good person. Charlotte thought she was trustable meanwhile Susie thought otherwise. She was an Afton.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Elizabeth.

"We just wanted to explore.... But we need to go now" Say Susie.

"But don't you want to see the palace?"

"No, we are alrighty like this, we now need to go to our kingdom" Say Susie grabbing Charlotte for the wrist. (NO SHIP 😠)

"Isn't polite to decline an invitation, besides, is too late to come back. And I understand I'm an Afton. But you can trust me!"

"For me is alright. Just don't tell the king Elizabeth" opined Charlotte. And Susie put a frown in his face showing her discontent.

"Alright, follow me" Say Elizabeth, meanwhile she was walking towards the purple palace.

-I had a bad feeling about this- thought Susie. Meanwhile she followed Charlotte and the orange haired girl.


Elizabeth, Charlotte and Susie walked through the large hallways with purple and green rugs. There were paintings about every kind that passed through the throne. Elizabeth stood admiring the last two: His father when he had 12 or 13 years with hopes to be like him. And the other side Michael, with contempt. Why he had to be the favorite? She deserved more to be queen than him.

The girl with emerald eyes was took out of her thoughts because of Charlotte.

"I didn't know Fredbear's king could smile" Elizabeth offended for the comment. But ignore and did a sign for keep walking.

They go to her bedroom and Elizabeth tell them to wait that she would bring food. This was going to be easy ...


"Why you think Elizabeth it's too late?" Asked Charlotte to her friend.

"I don't know but we need to get out of here now" Say Susie with a worried tone.

"I think you're just being.... What was the word with p?"

"Paranoic. And no. Elizabeth gives me a bad feeling"

"Don't you think you are exaggerating?"

"I thi-" In that someone interrupted Susie. Someone knock the door . But what's next left the two girls paralyzed.

"We are the guard of Fredbear's. For orders of the king and the princess. We need to get you with the king himself. You need to open the door now."

"Oh no! I already knew we shouldn't trust her. Come one Charlie!"

"Susie I'm.... Scared" the little girl couldn't move. Even if she wanted and her brain asked for it. Her legs felt weak.

"We will count to 3" Say one of the guards.

"Don't be. I promise you nothing will happen. But we need to go!"


Charlotte was paralyzed and Susie took her for the arm.

Susie took a big blanket and throw through the window.


Susie and Charlotte were slowly going down when the guards opened the door.

"Search! They should be here!" Shouted the voice of a angry man.

Susie and Charlotte were still slowly going down as not to fall when something. No, someone took Charlotte.

"I found her my king" Say one of the guards.

"Good. Now let the other escape" Say the same voice that shouted.

The guard go of the window and the king. Afton. Looked down. Founding a girl with blond hair. They eyes see each others. Susie's eyes reflected fear. She felt scared. Meanwhile Afton's... Nothing. It was like he didn't care .

"Tell Henry Emily that if he doesn't bring me the unique spark tomorrow. Then... Say goodbye to his daughter." And with that he go away.

Unique spark? What was that? She only knows that she needs to tell King Emily this. And fast.

.-•The beginning of the tragedy•-. (FNAF ROYAL AU)Where stories live. Discover now