Chapter 6

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Elizabeth was skipping for the hallways. She already finished talking to her father and was happy for the result, in that she stopped in a big blue door. She knocked 3 times and it opens.

"¡Hello!" Exclamed happily the girl towards the boy seeing through the window the afternoon.

"Hello Liz" Say the older in a harsh tone. Without turning to see her. "You're still thinking about her?" The little girl of green eyes asked to the brown haired boy.

But he just nods and pats a place at his side. Elizabeth goes to the same place and sits.

"You know Liz, you would have loved to met her" Say the brown haired boy smiling, closing his eyes.

"Well, but we will never know if that's truth" Spoke angry the greeneyed girl with her arms crossed. She didn't want to remember her again.

The boy chuckles and open his eyes.

"I'm going to tell you what she always told me" The boy stopped for one second and thought trying to remember the phrase. Getting the attention of the youngest.

"Don't forget about the little details. Don't let go for the looking or the love you have towards that person" Say the brown haired boy seeing her eyes.

The greeneyed put a frown "I already told you that I don't understand when you talk to me with big words!" She was angry now. And the boy just could let a sight, when he tried to help her, it always ended in she not understanding. But, today he didn't want to discuss.

"You know what? For today I don't want to discuss. Come here" Said the boy grabbing Elizabeth's arm and hugging the little girl.

The two were quite the time in silence, until Elizabeth broke it. "Why you decided today of all days to remember her? Why are you today so calm than normal?" Asked Elizabeth confused of what was happening.

The boy sight, and later with a soft voice say "Liz..."


"Today is her birthday"

This was enough for Elizabeth to hug the oldest and that he cried in her shoulder.


It passes 2 weeks. Henry was ready to present his new invention. The people reunited, some were excited and others say this was going to fail.

All of the townsfolk calmed down when they saw the king passing.

"Large life to King Henry!" Exclamed with proud.

The king accepted their compliments doing a reverence. And presented his invention.

"Good afternoon,  my beloved kingdom!. You all know that I will always want the best for you guys. That I will always try to do the best in my charge, that I will always protect you all and I will not let anyone hurt you. Correct?"

The king saw in the corner of his eye to the duke in the first sits. He knew the message was for the real court and William.

The people scream exclaming yes. All his trust was to Henry.

"Large live to the King Henry!" The people screamed again.

Henry smiled at the gestures of the people "Very well, I think you will like to know with the recent treat of the contrary kingdom. I put hands to the labor and I took the subject in my hands."

Henry smiled more.

"Bringing the best security to you. Give a big welcome to Freddy Fazbear and his band!" Say Henry excited.

.-•The beginning of the tragedy•-. (FNAF ROYAL AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz