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A/N: This one will also be kinda a text fic just so you know :)

About a year ago you had to move schools due to family reasons which you and Miya couldn't see each other as often as you usually could

You know what that meant, if you couldn't talk in person, you'd text!

But for the last few days you haven't been feeling like wanting to talk to him anymore

Cat Embodiment 🗿❤️

Cat Embodiment 🗿❤️
Y/n guess what, i met some slimes at
S today.


Yeah, i mean he's good at skating but not
as good as me.😒
Reki is one of them, he's not that good either but he's okay to be around

Welp 🗿

Cat Embodiment 🗿❤️
Langa in all honesty is the best out of them, he i heard he used to snowboard or something

That's cool

The entire time he kept talking about people you haven't even met, and you had to admit

It made you jealous.

It felt like the one person that you thought understood you the most was slowly growing farther from you and moving toward other people

He kept texting and you responded with short answers you weren't very engaged and even started doing something else while he was texting you

It got to the point where it was becoming annoying to hear the dinging of your phone signifying a new message that you didn't care about had been sent

You turned on the silent mode of your phone and went back to whatever you were doing

For ten minutes you continued until you felt your phone vibrate in your hands again, it was Miya

He had sent you a tiktok

Cat Embodiment 🗿❤️
(Insert random tiktok)
Reki and Langa in a nutshell

You didn't dare open the message knowing that all he would do would be going on and on talking this random Reki and Langa

You didn't care

You were tired

And honestly you felt inferior to him

It seemed like he was doing so much better without you

His grades were too of the class

He had friends

Nice parents

Hobbies that he's insanely good at

He was perfect without you

He didn't need you

That's what you thought anyway

Every time you talk you feel somewhat lesser than him, be skateboarding or just grades

Every time you talked it would drain you

But you continued, for his sake. All for him, just him.

Even when you wouldn't text first he would find some way to start a conversation and you had to at least send a couple texts

You'd feel horrible if you didn't

You've known since childhood, how could you throw that all away over some pointless feelings? You couldn't. You won't.

For as long as you can

You'll stay feeling inferior

Just for his sake.

⧼༒༺𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞༻༒⧽ || Miya x Reader OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now