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In which Miya helps you with math homework!


"And here you- WAKE UP-" "HUH- what" you say staring blankly at Miya as if done nothing wrong, didn't fool him tho

"It's either you fail math, or you stay awake and let me help you!" He starts his scolding hitting you in the head with a pencil " all honesty i want neither-"

"I'll be leaving then-"

"Never mind sit back down and help me" you plead tugging on his sleeve "that's what i thought"

"Ew- don't say that"


After about an hour of studying, you falling asleep and Miya beating you with a pencil it got to a point where the both of you just gave up

"So, what now?" You say "well studying is obviously not going to happen" he says joining your head on the table looking at you. For a while he just stares at you

"Your eyes are pretty."

Your eyes widened at the sudden compliment. "Oh- uh thanks. Yours are too, the green i guess goes with your hair?"

"Huh" he questions narrowing his eyes and slightly lifting his head from the table 

"I don't know" you say, choosing to let you chin rest on the table

"Maybe you should study how to compliment people"

"I don't need to study in everything Miya"


Yes it's short i know but school has been working me like a slave 😭🤚🏽

235 words

⧼༒༺𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞༻༒⧽ || Miya x Reader OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now