Warm and Cozy - Chistmas Special 💜

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WARM AND COZY ❄️༻────☃️────༺❄️CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ❄️༻────☃️────༺❄️

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"MIYA HURRY UP" You called Miya down from your room. The smell of freshly baked goods were in the air. From gingerbread, to chocolate cookies, even cakes, the house smelled like something out of a bakery.

Miya soon came running down the stairs and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. "Are the cookies done?" He asked excitedly, looking over your shoulder  and sniffed them.

"Obviously, now move!" You elbowed him in the stomach playfully. When he hissed in pain you giggled.

You placed the cookies down on the rack with the other to cool off, slapping Miya's hand when he tried to take one. "They're done though" he whined. "Done and scorching hot, you have to wait at least ten minutes for them to cool."

He nodded but side eyed you.

"Do me a favor and get the icing" you pointed to the bags on your kitchen's island. Miya peeled into the bag and his eyes widened at the amount of icing inside.

"Why the hell did you get so much? You know we don't need all this"

"Yeah but we can eat it after." You shrugged. He gave you a dumb founded look and handed you the huge bag of icing, you muttered a thank you and put the top layer of the case off.

"Want this?" Miya ran to your side and took the top layer of cake. "Thank you~" you nodded while he ate that it was the discarded part of the cake anyway, it needed to be gone so the cake would be flat at the top.


You had finished icing the cake and breathed a sigh of relief, only to turn around and see Miya eating one of the cookies off the rack.

"Miya Chinen you bastard!" He flinched and laughed he stuffed the rest of the cookie in his mouth and ran.


"Now to pay for your sins you're going to ice the cookies. You will also not be having any more." You crossed your arms and Miya nodded his head.

Miya was on his knees after you caught him, you even went as far to bonk him on the head. The whole scene was comical to you.

"Yes my love."

Your eyes widened at that but you stayed stern. "Don't 'my love' me, go ice the cookies". He laughed and stood up. He took your hand and walked back into the kitchen with you.

There the both of you iced the cookies and ended up with a bit of icing on each other your faces since you kept eating it.

"Y/n! Stop eating the icing!"

"But it tastes good...Plus you were being fat and you ate most of the chocolate ship cookies". Miya had the most offended look on his face but laughed anyways.

"Whatever, you win I guess" he rolled his eyes but you only laughed at him for it


Once all the cookies were iced both you and Miya filled up a few bowls of candy and chips to take into the living room with you.

"What movie should we watch?" You took the remote in your hand and flipped through Disney +

"Nightmare before Christmas, no questions asked." Miya had not a shred of hesitation in voice. In all the years you've been dating—or even friends with him—Miya's always loved a Nightmare before Christmas.

"Fine okay, get the blankets and I'll get the drinks." He nodded "deal"

Miya went upstairs while you got the drinks ready. You made sure to set aside the cake which you both had decorated for Miya's parents. You wanted to thank them for letting you stay over with Miya on Christmas.

You not give them a Christmas themed cake with their wedding photo on top as a gift? Who wouldn't love that? Well, it was debatable but you always thought Miya's mother looked beautiful on her wedding day. So it was a deal breaker for you.

You walked back into the living room while Miya was setting up the pillows and blankets on the couch for you both. "I got everything set up, along with the movie" he said, looking proud of himself.

You chuckled and put the drinks down on the coffee table  "I got the drinks and few more snacks".


You and Miya were all cuddled up close to each other on the couch. You had fallen asleep a few minutes ago and Miya was starting to himself. He glanced down at you, lying against his shoulder.

"How did I get so lucky..." his voice only came out as a whisper, it was silly, but he was thinking about everything that happened that past year.

The fight you had over the summer, the long break you both took on your relationship, even after that you were still with him. Now now even laying against him on Christmas.

He wrapped his arms around you and held you close to him, and with a small sigh, he fell asleep.

All warm and cozy with you

I'm not dead, but I also probably will not be back. I wanted to at least still do something for the people who had started reading this oneshot book and for the ones who've been here.

School has kicked me in the ass for times than not and it's taken a toll on my sleep schedule

Sorry I don't have a crazy reason as to why I've been away (besides the fact my friend almost died twice and I almost had a huge panic attack)

Either way, I liked writing this but I probably will not be back anytime soon.

But thank you for reading, happy holidays, and have a happy new year
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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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