Chapter 0: Information

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This is just an info chapter before starting this book. This story's inspired by some stories I read on Ao3 (Archives of our own). The first one I read was called "Fire and Water: The Beginnings"  and it was inspired by "Book 1: Fuoco e Acqua". Both stories have been discontinued for what I know but I'd still recommend reading them. I'm pretty sure they're only on Ao3 and aren't cross-posted so I hope everyone goes to read them if they can.


-Izuku's Family-

So, Inko and Hisashi had been together since they were in their third year of junior high. When the couple was 22-23, they had Izuku who's just turned 16. Around the time Izuku was 8, Inko and Hisashi had unfortunately met their end.

Hisashi and Inko are dead so Izuku was sent to his aunt Okko, Inko's younger twin sister. Izuku's parents, they were a combination of old money and new money. Hisashi and Inko were very successful and very wealthy so when they died, they had already put in their will that once Izuku turns 16 years of age, if he'd been proven responsible enough, he'd have full access to his inheritance funds.

Nana Shimura was Inko and Okko's mother and she was a past number one hero whilst their father came from a long line of money. Okko was always jealous of Inko because she was better with their telekinetic abilities, had more partners, was smarter and more talented, and married the man she was in love with. This eventually led to Okko's hate of Izuku. She was always harsh with him and it only got worse as he got older.

Luckily, considering he would go to an extreme study program after school everyday and stay there in their dormitory, he didn't come home until the summer break. Winter, Spring, and any other breaks were optional for staying in the dorms but summer breaks were non-negotiable seeing as they'd get new students and have to deep-clean, as well as renovate and reorganize. This meant that Izuku would have to stay with his aunt.

Nana was also the mother of Inko and Okko's half older brother, Kotaro Shimura. This means the Tomura Shigaraki/Tenko Shimura(20) is Izuku's cousin. Kotaro eventually married his wife Nao Shimura before having his two children; Hana and Tenko. Because Tenko's quirk hadn't manifested when it was supposed to and he wanted to become a hero, which his father hated, Kotaro would abuse Tenko and no one in his household really did anything to prevent it.

Inko and her family had no clue as to what was happening as Tenko would reassure his Auntie and Uncle whenever they asked, scared that his father would make things much worse. Later on, he manifested his quirk after being shoved outside from his sister Hana blaming him for looking at the picture she showed him of their grandmother; Nana Shimura, a previous number one hero.

He manifested his quirk being Decay, and in the process he accidentally killed majority of his immediate family and pet being his sister, mother, Nao's parents, and lastly, killing his father on purpose. Inko and her family we're called and immediately made their way over save for Izuku who was 2 at the time.

Once they arrived, Inko broke down into tears seeing the remains of her brother and his family while Hisashi, also in tears, noticed that there was no trace of Tenko. That gave the two of them hope that their young 6 year old nephew was okay. However, once they died, Okko stopped the search a year after Inko's death seeing as there were no positive results.


-Intersex (My Versions)-

Some people may be intersex as a result of their species/quirk or because they were born that way (being intersex is a real thing however and it can mean a multitude of things and there are many different types). 

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