Chapter 7: Enrollment

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Welcome to chap 7. Izuku, Stella, and Bloom (+ Kiko) have just arrived to the front entrance and are about to run into a bit of trouble getting into the school.


-Izuku's POV; Alfea Castle-

"Come on, we've gotta go. It's almost noon and we have a meeting with the headmistress." Stella said as we got closer to the school. "About our enrollment?" I questioned, gaining a nod. "Yup! I requested one yesterday using some magic scroll. There's an extra room at my dorm sector and a free bed too." Stella said, leading the way to the front gate. It was kinda a long walk but we made it down right before noon.

We could see other fairies of sorts of genders, ethnicities, and personality getting off of a hovering bus with suitcases before walking into the front gates. The gate was just beautiful. Like-, they were blue transparent wings that folded down before disappearing into the ground to allow them through the light purple arch.

Bloom and I followed Stella through the gate until we saw the line of fairies. "Hey Stella, why're they all lining up? And who's that?" Bloom questioned, pointing to this grumpy lookin' woman. "Well, they're all lining up to sign in and receive their dorm keys. The woman there is Griselda, head of discipline and vice headmistress. Watch out for her 'cause she's pretty grumpy and always on the prowl to find students breaking the rules..." the blonde warned. This woman, Griselda, was about 5'7 with fair skin, short brown hair with a side part, very teacher-appropriate attire, dark-teal cat-eye glasses, and a serious expression.

"What is your name, young lady?" I overheard as we walked closer. "E-Eleanor Gonzales-Aharoni of Delona. I-I sent in my registration a c-couple of weeks ago..." the girl, Eleanor, stuttered as Ms. Griselda hovered her quill over the clipboards paper. "Let's see if your name's on the list... Are you nervous, Ms. Eleanor?" the woman questioned without looking up. "A-a little..." the blue-haired girl shyly let out. "There you are. Eleanor Gonzales-Aharoni of Delona, welcome to Alfea and here's your dorm key." she said, conjuring the key out of thin air with magic before handing it to the tan girl. "Thank you." the teen said before leaving.

As we walked past the line, we were stopped as Griselda called out to Stella. "Hold it right there, Princess Stella. None of you have checked in." the strict-demeanor woman said. "That's because we have an urgent meeting with Headmistress Faragonda. She had written back that as soon as we get to campus, we need to head to her office." Stella said, causing the woman to squint at the three of us. "I see. But, I don't see why you decided to come back after what happened last year. The potion laboratory's still inaccessible, thanks to you..." the woman said, Bloom and I glancing at each other in confusion.

"How could I stay away? I mean, I don't give up that easily." Stella cheekily stated. "Right... And your friends?" the head of discipline questioned, gesturing to Bloom and I with her quill. "Bloom Peterson of Earth and Izuku Midoriya of Earth 314." Stella stated, seemingly shocking the woman before she steeled her expression. "That's impossible. There are no fairies or other magical species on Earth anymore besides the occasional witch or psychic." she stated. "That's what the meeting's about. Oh-! And I'll take my key now." Stella said.

The two seemed to have a staring contest before Griselda conjured up the key and handed it to Stella before crossing her name off on the list. "Fine, but I've got my eyes on you three. Especially you, Princess." the woman mugged as Stella let out a sing-song 'thank you' and led us to the office. When we got there, Stella knocked on the door and we waited a few seconds before we heard a 'come in' in a slight English accent.

"Ah, Princess Stella. Welcome back. You two must be Bloom Peterson and Izuku Midoriya." she stated, movin' her hand out towards the seats in front of her desk, silently tellin' us to sit down. "So, when did you all meet? When did you first use your powers? I want you to start from the very beginning of your lives. Let's start with you, Bloom." the woman inquired causing Bloom to delve into her life story.

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