Chapter 11: Borderline Hypothermia

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We left off with the fairies having teleported back to Alfea while Knut and the witches returned to Cloud Tower.


-3rd Person POV: With the Fairies-

The light dissipated as the girls' fairy forms disappeared. Bloom was luckily no longer unconscious but she was freezing. Her cheeks were rosy but her skin paler than her typical fair tone. Hell, her lips were beginning to take on a blue shade. Izuku sat her down on the ground and propped her back against the wall of the courtyard's fountain before ushering Stella over to heat her up.

"Stella, are you able to slightly warm up your hands and heat her up or like-, shine rays of light on her or something? We can't warm her up too quickly since it can drive the cold blood toward the heart and lead to heart failure." Izuku informed. "You got it!" she replied, summoning rays of light to shine thorough her hands and she roved them from the top to the bottom of Bloom's body. "Can someone go get the nurses?" Izuku asked. "We would if we could but we don't know where the office is..." Musa said, Izuku realizing only Stella would know where the nurses office is.

"Damnit..." he muttered until they were all surprised by a light shining down on them. "Do you all realize how late it is?!" Griselda shouted in angry disbelief. "Young fairies, do you have any idea how worried we were?" Faragonda questioned in a stern voice. "We're sorry headmistress! We went out for dinner in downtown Magix and were gonna come back but something bad happened and we need to take Bloom to the nurse!" Flora said, worry in her voice as she, Tecna, and Musa moved to reveal her roommate.

"Dear heavens-! What in the world happened?!" she asked, moving to look at the girl, Griselda in tow. "She was attacked by some witches and an ogre. We weren't with her originally since she stepped out of the restaurant to call her parents at the landline phone but after we paid and went out to look for her, we couldn't find her until Stella and I heard her yell coming from an alleyway. When we got there, she was encased in a block of ice." Tecna told, informing them of what happened.

"How old were the witches and what were their abilities? Did you catch their names by any chance?" the head of discipline questioned. "The ogre's name is Knut and he attacked Stella on Earth. That's actually how the three of us met. Stella was being attacked by Knut and some little red ghouls and Bloom was helping her. Then, all of a sudden during the fight, I get dropped into Earth 188. Then, we take Stella back to Bloom's place and some hours later we're attacked again by Knut, the ghouls, and a hunting troll. Though, Stella had called some specialists from Red Fountain to help us and they took away the troll. I don't know who the witches are though..." Izuku explained.

"Well, I heard the one with the purple hair being called Stormy by the green haired girl. I think that Knut is working for them since he did whatever they said. They were probably around 18 years old? One of them had long white hair and ice powers, one had frizzy purple hair and she at least had lightning powers, and the last one had green hair but she didn't use her abilities when we were there..." Musa said. "S-she had illusion abilities. She used them to make a clone of h-herself before sneaking up on me..." the redhead said, her voice horse and throat in need of water.

"I see. I'll call Headmistress Griffin of Cloud Tower to see if she has any students meeting these descriptions. Are you alright dear?" Faragonda asked, looking at Bloom as she got up with the help of Stella and Izuku. "I-I'm okay now. My throat's just sore and I'm really tired..." she said. "Alright. I don't think you'll need the nurse but you all need to head back to you dorm and get some rest after the day you've had. You all have classes in the morning so get as much sleep as you can!" she said 


-Izuku's POV-

"Are you sure you're okay Bloom?" I questioned as we reached our dorm complex. "Yes, I'm fine. I should drink some water though..." she said before moving to the kitchenette and grabbing a paper cup. "We should really decorate our place." Musa said, looking over at the empty living room and kitchen space. "Yeah... Maybe after school, we can head back to Magix to shop." Tecna suggested. "Hey Stella, are you able to redecorate using your magic like you did with our bedrooms?" I asked, looking towards her.

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