Chapter 4: "Alfea Castle"

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We left off with Knut, the troll, and the ghouls leaving the factory to follow the scent of Izuku back to the Peterson resident. Also-, Warning; There'll be hella POV changes.


-3rd Person POV; Blooms' Bedroom-

"Bloom, your room's so cool! Did you draw all of these?" Stella asked, noticing the sketches and paintings around the room. "Oh-! Yeah, I spend most of my free time drawing stuff..." Bloom answered before noticing Izuku's demeanor. "Izuku..? Are you okay?" Bloom questioned. "Hmm-? Oh Yea-! No... I was gonna say yeah but, this is too much to just keep in..." the greenette answered before sitting up and laying against a pillow.

"What is? The whole Magic thing?" Stella inquired, taking a seat on the computer chair. "Yeah. I've been surrounded by people with supernatural abilities my entire life and I had such a horrible time because I didn't have anything special. Now, all of a sudden, I have magic that I didn't even know existed? On top of all that, I'm in a whole new dimension that seems to be around 250 years in the past from my own... It's just... a lot." Izuku ranted.

"I see... Where I come from, magic is a part of everyday life. The powers that you posses are completely normal to me. The strong emotions that you both felt today, as well as being in the presence of magic is probably what caused your powers to show themselves after all this time. These powers were always there, you just didn't know it and that may be why you didn't have an ability in your world, Izuku." Stella said, informing them that they've always had this power.

"Woah..." Bloom let out, as Izuku gave a smile. "Thanks, Stella. You too, Bloom. You guys are my first friends in a long, long time. Can you tell us how to do magic, Stella? I don't think I'll be able to fall asleep for a while now." the Blasian teen asked, gaining a nod. "Sure. It's just a question of concentration. With your energy, you can do pretty much anything. Watch!" Stella explained as she moved her hands in circular motions.

The colored pencils within Bloom's pen cup then began to float before making a weaving motion and molding into one, large, pencil. Stella kept it levitating in the middle of the room, saying; "Now, turn it back to it's original shape. Give it a try." Bloom, while nervous that something bad could happen, slowly got up and walked towards the floating art supply. She held her hands out to it, causing it to move a little bit before the pencil fell.

"Damn-! I can't do it... Izuku, how about you give it a try?" Bloom suggested causing the singular boy to move and sit on the edge of the bed. He held out his two hands before shutting his eyes and relaxing his body. 'Just... Try thinking of how it looked like before and focus on that...' he thought to himself, not noticing how the pencil began to float and shake before turning into the original multitude of pencils and falling to the floor. 

He then opened his eyes once he heard a gasp come from Bloom before looking to the floor and seeing the pencils laying there. "I did that?" he questioned, turning towards Stella and gaining a nod and smile. The freckled teen then took on a bright smile before looking at his hand with the thought; 'I actually did it...' circling around his mind. "How'd you do that?" Bloom asked, turning towards Izuku with an excited smile.

"I just calmed down and relaxed before thinking and wishing for the pencil to return to it's original state. I think it didn't work when you tried to do it because you were over concentrating and trying to hard to get it to work other than focusing on one thing at a time..." he answered, gaining a nod from Stella. "Izuku's right. This is your first time using magic and when you try to rush things, you'll just gain result you don't want. Try relaxing and thinking about moving the pencils back to the cup on your table." Stella instructed, leaning back in her seat. 

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