Chapter 12: First Day

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We left off with Izuku + the girls heading to breakfast in the mess hall but we finna skip that and just go straight to they first class.


-3rd Person POV: Professor Wizgiz's Class-

"Good morning, young fairies! Per usual, it befalls me to kick off the school year so for those of you who haven't yet met me, I'm Professor Wizgiz. I will be teaching you all metamorphosis, or as I like to say; the art of changing..," the short leprechaun spoke before pulling on his left cheek, shaking, and pulling the hat down and off before becoming their very own head of discipline; Griselda. ".. The way you look!" he finished in her voice.

The students sat in shock with gasps, wide eyes, and even amused smiles before erupting in cheers and claps. 'Woah! We'll get to do stuff like that here?! Cool..!' Bloom thought to herself, stars practically swimming in her eyes. "Please, please, pupils. That's nothing! By year's end, you'll be doin' better than that!" he calmed as he returned back to his normal form and irish accent. "Now, since every ending must have a beginning, let us start with a simple exercise." he spoke with a smile.

The short instructor held out his left arm, hand in a position where his index finger pointed outwards before the tip of it shinned in a sparkling, yellow glow. With that, hand-mirrors simultaneously seemed to spawn from each fairy's desk and lot before them until they took it with their hands. "Now, I want you all to concentrate and look in the mirror. Look at yourselves and think about changin' the color of your hair." he spoke, standing on a students tabletop.

Bloom looked to her right to see that Stella had already done it with ease and was now back to playing with her long locks and admiring her looks. On her left, she sees Izuku close his eyes with a calm look on his freckled face and saw how his styled viridian and black curls changed to a light pink color. 'Not a bad look for him...' she though before turning back to her own mirror. She screwed her eyes shut and thought of changing changing the color to a light turquoise color. 

She began to feel tingling on her scalp as well as her bangs and hair moving around only for it to drop back against her face. When she opened her eyes, she was met with disappointment and her turquoise-blue irises stared back at her natural ginger hair. She softly set the mirror down as she looked back to see Izuku watching her with a smile, his hair back to its natural shades. "How'd you do it, Izuku? I closed my eyes and concentrated like you did..." Bloom asked, hoping the boy had an answer.

"Remember when we were back in your room and we were turning the pencil back into all the original pencils?" he asked, gaining a hum from the Italian girl. "You're concentrating too hard again. Make sure to stay more calm until you master it little by little." the boy instructed. Upon this suggestion, Bloom realized that Izuku was calm when he changed his hair while she was thinking really hard on it.

"That's good advice, Izuku. Bloom, if you don't succeed on the first try, theres's nothin' wrong with practicing 'till you get it! You'll probably have it mastered by the end of the day!" Wizgiz encouraged before continuing with the lesson. He handed out the textbook; 'Basics and Beginnings of Metamorphosis' before releasing his students to go to either their next class or dorms if they had a free period.


"One more time! Please, Stella?" Bloom pleaded as she sat on her bed, the blonde princess sitting criss-cross on the floor in front of her with Kiko in her lap. Flora was also present as she was watering her plants on her side of the room. "Alright fine. But this is the last time! It's only the first day so if you don't get it today, it's not the end of the fuckin' world." she said with a playful smile. "Well-, on Earth, there's a famous saying. 'Don't put off 'till tomorrow what you can do today'." the redhead recited.

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