Chapter 15: Ball Preparations

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We left off with the group all at Breakfast and stuff.


-Izuku's POV; Dining Hall-

As the laughter died down, we continued to eat our food and talk about our own ideas for decorations. Everyone was respectful of each others ideas though, Musa and Stella make joking little quips, typically towards each other but they knew it was all fun in games. Though, our conversation halted when Bloom practically banged her head against the table. "Um-, Bloom? Are you alright?" Tecna questioned, looking at the redheaded girl.

"I just realized... I don't have any fancy clothes." the ginger revealed. "Shopping!" Stella cheered. "Hold on now Stella, I can't use up all my money like that. I only have a certain amount and used a bunch yesterday for dorm stuff along with personal items. Plus, I need to save up to buy a new phone! I also don't get any allowance until next week..." she listed. "Well, maybe you can look though our clothes and borrow a dress?" Flora suggested. "Really? Are you guys sure?" Bloom questioned.

"Sure. I actually design and make clothes so I have quite a few dresses." I said, finishing up my food. "Me too! Plus, I think we're close to the same size so I'm sure there's something that'll fit." Stella said. "Thanks, you guys! Now, we should clean up and meet up with the other students to decorate and then we can spend the day getting ready." Bloom spoke, gathering her things to put away. Those of us who hadn't finished yet quickly downed their drinks and took their last bites before disposing of their scraps and placing their plates, utensils, and glasses on the wash conveyer-belt that took the dirty stuff to be washed.

We grouped up with some other fairies and talked about how we should do up the room when this other girl began to cause some issues. Apparently, her name's Amaryl and she got a stiff ass bob and a fake tan. I don't like her so far seeing as she seems to be going out of the way just to cause problems with Stella and because we're friends with Stella, she's causing problems with us too.

"The banners should be red!" Amaryl shouted, arguing with Stella on what the colors should be. "You're fucking blind, Amaryl! They should be magenta! The walls are light purple so why the fuck would you think red is a good color?!" she yelled back. Stella had a point though. Red with that shade of purple wouldn't match. They just continued to argue until Tecna stepped in. "Enough!" she yelled, stopping the screaming coming from our friend and Amaryl.

"How about we vote? We can change the banners to red to see how it looks and then change it to magenta to see the comparison. Everyone else will vote and whichever color wins will be used." she suggested, all of us nodding in agreement. Tecna then used her magic on the banners to change the color to red and it really looked like an eyesore. Even Amaryl's friends couldn't get behind it and the girl herself hated it as well.

I think she just chose it because she knew Stella would hate it and she wanted an excuse to argue with her. Anyways, the banners were changed to a magenta and they complimented the walls nicely. After Amaryl stormed out from everyone agreeing with the magenta, we all just began to split up into groups. Stella took have of the fairies and they began to decorate the walls and pick out other decorations while Musa took a group to clean up the room and choose the food and beverages for tonight. I decided to go with Musa, along with Flora while Tecna and Bloom went with Stella.

It didn't take long to have the entire place looking perfect for tonight. Especially since so many people were helping out. Instead of the long tables that are usually out taking the majority of space in the room, Stella's group decided to choose some round tables to go on one half of the room so that there'll be room for dancing. The tables all had white tablecloths and magenta napkins, matching the banners. There was also a magenta colored velvet carpet going from the double-doors leading into the room and going down the stairs for a more elegant look.

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