Chapter 8: Roommates

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This is (obviously) a continuation of last chapter. Enjoy.


-3rd Person POV; Alfea Castle-

"This will be your home for the next 5 years. However, this home cease to be yours at any moment. The rules of this institution are based on discipline. Disregard them and I'll personally escort you to the front gate! This is not a magicians school. It's the best school for fairies out there and will continue to hold that title. Consequently, you may not use your powers in the hallways or other common areas. The only places you'll be permitted is in class if the assignment or training exercise permits or in your dorm as long as you don't cause problems... Is that clear Princess Stella?" Griselda declared before signaling the blonde princess out.

"Thanks to you and your antics, the potions laboratory will not be accessible until next month at the earliest. I'm sure I don't need to remind you of what not to do if you wish to remain here." Griselda explained. "Yes, yes. No need to remind me." Stella said in a dismissive tone. "You did that?" Bloom questioned in shock. "My father paid for all the damages and it was so last year anyways." Stella whispered back with an eye-roll. "Girl, bye. What were even doing?" Izuku asked. "Trying to create a new shade of purple for Solaria's national colors when I become queen." the blonde informed.

About that same time, Headmistress Faragonda flanked by three other people made their way to the crowd of first years. "Sorry I'm late, I'll hope you excuse me." Faragonda said, hands behind her back as Ms. Griselda announced her. "Fairies, this is your headmistress. Attention to the front." the stiff disciplinary head announced. "Really, there's no need to be so stiff. I hope Ms. Griselda hasn't frightened you too much. Welcome to Alfea, the best fairy school in the whole of Magix!" Faragonda welcomed, Ms. Griselda side-eyeing her for her previous comment.

"Mind you, it's the only one where fairies like you can hone their powers to become guardian fairies of your dimensions. Come on in!" she said, walking up the steps into the school and having the first years follow along. "Becoming a fairy is hard work but I believe you all can do it. Keep in mind that the teachers and I will be there to help you. Enough of the boring stuff now. Feel free to explore the school, decorate you dorms, and head into the heart of Magix city for fun.

But, I would like to tell you to be wary of dangers and witch centered areas. I'm not saying witches and warlocks are by any means evil but the vast majority hold a dislike for fairies so please just avoid them if possible. If you are with witches and warlocks, please at least be civil. That concludes this orientation so feel free to have fun but remember that classes start at 8am tomorrow and make sure to be back to your dorm by 9:00pm at the latest. The curfew is later on weekends but you will need to inform us of where you'll be and when you plan to return." Faragonda dismissed, allowing the young fairies to go off on their own.

Bloom, Stella, and Izuku walked through the halls talking, Kiko hopping besides the redhead until they reached their dorm room. "Hey, they already have our names on here Izuku." Bloom pointed out, Izuku looking at their names in golden font. "I guess they used magic..." the greenette said before they opened the door. "Thank god I have the same bedroom as last year!" Stella said, running off to open her door and jump on her bed. "Your room's so nice. Are you able to help me decorate mine Stella? I have a design for it but it may take magic to pull off..." Izuku said, looking at the blonde.

"Yeah, no problem! Let's go." Stella said, walking off with Izuku into his dorm room, Bloom walking into her own. He marveled at how big it was but remembered that it used to belong to a princess. Though... In his world, he isn't too far off from royalty due to his surname's status. "So here's what I'm thinking..." he trailed off, Stella nodding along with a smile. "Very stylish." she complimented before using her magic.

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