Hard love | r.b

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Regulus black loved y/n l/n.

He knew it, his friends knew it, even his brother knew it. But most importantly she knew it.

So how was she here? Standing infront of him, tears streaming down her face, listening to last things she would ever expect to come out her boyfriends mouth.

"We need to break up"

"Did I do something?" She choked out

How can she blame herself?

"No, I just can't love you anymore"

how could I say that?

"You don't love me anymore?" She breathed out wiping her tears

"How many times do I need to explain it? I can't be in a relationship with you anymore!" He said raising his voice slightly


"Fine" she whispered before walking out of his dorm.

Regulus couldn't move, he didn't want to move because then it would all be real, he looked down at his covered forearm and that's when he finally let himself be vulnerable as the tears fell onto the fabric covering his arm.

It had been snowing all night, and the news of how y/n was seen last night in tears leaving regulus's room had spread fast

"You okay?" Narcissa asked as y/n entered the great hall for breakfast

"Yup" she replied trying to keep her eyes open

"Oh salazar y/n did you get any sleep last night"

"Yeah plenty" she lied, but really every time she closed her eyes she remembered what regulus said to her

"I can't love you anymore"

"Mate why'd you break up with her?" Evan said as he sat down opposite regulus

"No particular reason" he replied annoyed that everywhere he went he was reminded of what he was forced to do, to protect you. (Or so he thought)

"So you broke her heart for no particular reason?" Evan pressed

"It's a lot more than that now can you drop it" regulus snapped

"Alright fine fine just keep in mind, you lost a good one" Evan said putting his hands up

You think I don't know that

"You alright I/n" Sirius said as he caught up with y/n in the halls

"yeah I'm fine why?" She questioned raising her eyebrows

"Is it true you and my brother broke up?'

"Does everyone know?" She sighed

"Listen, I know you know I left him. But listen I regret it I really really do but knowing he had you made me hate it all little less"

"What are you trying to say Sirius?"

"Talk to him, please last I heard mother was trying to get him to take the mark." Sirius said causing her eyes to widen "obviously he wouldn't tell you in his mind I bet he thought he was protecting you he's silly that way" he chuckled as she smiled

"Thank you" she smiled

"Take care of yourself  l/n" he nodded towards her as she continued walking to her next class.

She entered potions and took her seat

"Good morning class" slughorn said as an unenthusiastic wave of "morning" came

"Today we will be brewing the draught of living death!" He said excitedly "now I will call out your partners for today"

"Mr Rosier and miss Parkinson"

"Miss lovegood and mr crouch"

"Miss I/n and mr black"


She looked up at the boy as he gathered his things and walked over to her

"I'll go get ingredients" is the only thing he said to her before hurrying off to grab them causing making her scoff

Once regulus came back he put everything down and opened the textbook

"You do realise we have to talk in order to make the potion" she said

"No, no we don't" he replied his eyes still stuck on the book.

She grabbed the powdered root of asphodel before it managed to slip out of her hands. kissing her teeth she bent down to pick it up along with regulus doing the same

"I could do it myself" she said before looking down, letting go of the root she saw his sleeve raise slightly as the shape of a skull showed, unfortunately so did regulus who sucked in a sharp breath and quickly pulled it down before excusing himself to the bathroom.

She was still crouching on the floor as she tried to wrap her head around what she just saw.

It was true.

Without bothering to excuse herself she rushed out of the room and hurriedly tried to catch up with him


she turned around and saw Sirius and his friend James "he went in that bathroom" he pointed

"How did you know I was looking for- never mind thanks" she started before cutting herself off and quickly hurrying towards the bathroom.

As she entered she smacked face first into someone's chest

"y/n what are you doing" regulus asked

"It was true"

"What was true?"

"You know what I'm talking about"

He stared at you "The less I talk about it the less real it feels"

"Is that the reason you don't love me anymore?"

Regulus sighed "I could never not love you..."


"I'm not a good person anymore"

"You think that mark defines you?"

"I don't think, I know it does"

"Fuck" she whispered before grabbing a pen out her pocket and drawing a very bad skull

"Y/n stop it"

She lifted up her arm and shoved it in his face
"I'm still y/n, like your still regulus and regulus needs someone so regulus is going to get me" she said before his eyes started watering

"I don't know what I'm going to do y/n/n!" He said as she brought him in for a hug

"Well for starters I'm going to get you out that house"

"I don't care about any of that right now as long as you forgive me"

"Always" she said as he placed a kiss on her forehead then her lips

"I love you"

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