Chemical romance | t.n

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it may of been the fact that you hadn't been sleeping very well for the past couple of nights but you woke up with a splitting headache, causing you to wince in pain at every slight movement you made.

You had just about made it out of bed and into the great hall when you took a seat at whatever table was closest.

you ended up on the gryfindor table surrounded by some of your friends

"you look like shit" ron laughed

"thank you ron, always so sweet'

"what's going on with you?" hermione asked genuinely curious for her friend

"my head is killing me" you explained

"freddy don't we have something for that?" george asked his brother with a smile

"are you talking about our new and improved headache remedy" fred replied a bit to animatedly

"ill honestly take anything"

"anything?" they asked at the same time making you regret your statement

"don't do it y/n you can't trust them" harry piped in

"thanks for your concern harry but i'd literally take slugs if that got rid of this headache"

"if you want we can give you slugs as well" george smiled

"don't test me'

after breakfast you followed the twins to their dorm and sat quietly on george's bed while you waited for them to cure you

a few minutes later they came out with a bottle, after pouring it into a cup you were shooed out of their dorm

"so i just drink this?"

"yeah, drink you won't know what hit you

you were about to ask what they meant by that before you saw the door being shut in your face

"well, thank you" you shouted at the door hoping they could hear.

wasting no time you quickly gulped back the liquid and started walking to your class.

Potions, one of the most long lessons in your timetable. you were currently trying to brew a sleeping draught with seamus finnigan while also waiting for your medicine to take effect.

once snape assessed your potion you sat back down and closed your eyes for a second

"hey y/n what are you doing after classes?" you heard seamus ask you

opening your eyes you froze at the change in scene, your vision started going fuzzy, you blinked a few times to try and fix it but instead it made it worse. Now things were breathing?

you couldn't focus on what seamus was asking you, and instead were just trying to understand what was happening to you.

"¡ was wondering if you would like to hang out?" his voice echoed like a loud microphone

you looked down at your hand and watched as it left a trail as you waved it. Looking back up remembered a book you read last year on muggle-

those ginger twits gave you drugs.

luckily for you it wasn't that high of a dose but despite that you still were finding it hard to concentrate on anything.

"so what do you say?" seamus asked again while that question rung in your mind sounding quite odd

you laughed, not on purpose, you swear

"you don't have to? no need to laugh at me" he grumbled

you quickly shot up attracting some eyes of other students

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